Constitutional Case Against Lockdowns and Masks
By Dr. Antonio Graceffo
The lockdowns violate First Amendment Constitutional rights of freedom of assembly and freedom of religion. The censorship related to masks, lockdowns, covid, and the vaccine violate First Amendment rights of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. Technically, the Right of Freedom of Religion has also been used as a precedent for freedom of belief, which again would make it illegal to discriminate against people who are skeptical of the virus, masks, lockdowns, or covid. There have actually been people fired from the jobs for Tweeting against the masks or lockdowns or even for expressing skepticism of the pandemic. This violates both freedom of speech and freedom of belief (implied in freedom of religion).
Masks are an invasive act of tyranny by the state which robs us of our humanity, both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution prohibit acts of tyranny by the federal government. Forcing people to wear masks violates the 5th Amendment “nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law” as they deprive citizens of liberty without first convicting them of a crime.
A federal mask mandate would be a clear violation of The Tenth Amendment which grants states rights. States can mandate that you wear a mask on state property, but nowhere else. And the federal government cannot mandate masks at all.
#endthelockdowns #nomasks #openschools #Constitution