Constitution? What Constitution?
The Democrat Governor of New Mexico, Michelle Grisham, decided to establish a No-Fly zone for guns in her state yesterday. She decided no one, except law enforcement (surprisingly), can carry a gun in her state for the next 30 days. Tragically, three children were killed by a gun. Apparently, the human factor in the equation is not important. It's the gun's fault the children were killed and, in her mind at least, that's reason enough to suspend the Constitutional rights of every American citizen in the State of New Mexico. Makes sense, doesn't it? Not one bit!
Follow the logic to its logical conclusions!
The result of the tragic incident sheds light on several things. First, the Governor has delusions of grandeur dancing through her head like Sugar-Plum Fairies. Second, the people of the State of New Mexico have elected a historically challenged individual who is fully unaware of American history. Third, given the fact that children died as a result of a gun going off, other dangerous aspects of life must be changed as well to preserve public safety. Dangerous aspects like driving cars. Cars kill people every day in New Mexico and across America. Governor Grisham needs to place a 30-day moratorium on driving in New Mexico as well. Then there are those pesky and life-threatening playground monkey bars. Children have died from injuries received while playing on the death-maze. They've got to go as well ... at least for 30 days.
Wait ... what?
The idea of abridging the United States Constitution isn't so far-fetched really. Remember when Biden said that there are no absolutes when it comes to the Constitution and the Second Amendment was included in that statement? Oh no, this ball got rolling a long time ago. It's a part of the Soros plan to create open borders by eliminating anyone's ability to oppose open borders. Think of it as the next step to Soros' spectacularly successful "No Southern Border in the United States" efforts. The single largest mass migration in recorded history has taken place with well over 8 million people invading the United States illegally; apprehended and not apprehended at the border. Ol' George has accomplished his first objective admirably; now it's time to start the next phase. Think I'm crazy? Just watch.
Next time ...
So, what happens when more children are killed by a gun? More moratoriums? At some point, logical thinking takes us to the final solution. Ban ALL guns. How can that not be the result of this? Guns will continue to be fired and humans will continue to die as a result. Guns will be banned completely as a result to improve public safety. It starts in New Mexico, a gun haven. Most folks in New Mexico aren't gun adverse, except the Governor. What's funny to me is that the police are still allowed to conduct car chases, which place the public in grave danger from crashes, but the gun thing is a bigger issue. Public Safety? Pffffft! I'm sure the Gov isn't doing this on a whim. No way. She's doing this as the first step in a national campaign to do the same thing for the same reason - Public Safety. How can it not go that way?
Annie, get your gun!
I wrote about this happening a long time ago. I'm so freakin' smart and prescient that I amaze myself, sometimes! Others will argue the point, no doubt. What applied back then applies now. By hook or by crook, the Democratic effort to eliminate gun ownership in America isn't a new twist. Gun control freaks have been on the warpath for decades. You know the crowd - Guns bad! Flowers good! Yeah, those clowns. The people who think the world should be a place where everyone holds hands and sings Kumbaya around the campfire while happy little chipmunks and squirrels dance merrily to the tune. That works until you meet someone with somewhat less grandiose aspirations. And that someone wants everything you've got. Love and hope will work well when the bad guy whips out an AK-47 to make his point.
Who's next?
Just like standing in line at the butcher shop, America's states will one by one do the same thing. California is the next candidate. Then New York. And Chicago! Oh my, we certainly can't forget that bastion of civility and civilization. Then Atlanta and St. Louis, followed by New Orleans, the states of Washington and Oregon will quickly follow along making the entire West Coast of America a Gun-free zone. Before we know it, the "moratorium" will turn into a "reclamation". People will be compelled to not only not use their weapons, but they'll be also restricted from owning them just to make sure they're not tricked into using them for anything. Anything like self-defense from criminals who will be the only ones to possess guns. Remember how Prohibition worked out? Yeah, same thing except insert the word "gun" for "alcohol". And there you have it. Gun control.
Guns were our friends.
If it wasn't for firearms, America wouldn't exist. From the first landing of Europeans on other people's property in North America, guns have played a critical role. As the instrument of policy, it was essential when it came to the policies of European businessmen. If the American colonies were going to exist to produce income for England then guns were going to be needed. From that point forward, this nation has been built with sweat, tears, and guns. The natives were pushed westward using guns. Natives were kept in place using guns. Guns enforced the will of the United States government. And now, that same government wants to take guns away from the people who put themselves on the line to build the nation. It could trust those same people once but not anymore. No matter that guns killed innocents along the way.
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Gun owners should sit up and take notice. This is only the beginning. Guns are on the table and the negotiations are going to be short and pointed. The left wants to eliminate gun ownership by private citizens. The right wants to keep them. Does anyone know what this sounds like? It sounds like there will be a conflict over this particular left-wing policy. Authoritarian governments require citizens to comply with their every command. People with guns tend to challenge that authority. Governor Grisham has forgotten about a small dust-up that happened in a small town in Massachusetts named Lexington in 1775. Or the small skirmish that started in another small town named Concord right after the commotion in Lexington that ended up with a full-blown revolution afterward. Those annoying British soldiers didn't like the colonists owning guns that could be used to hurt them, so they decided to try a little gun control on their own. Yes, I would speculate that Governor Grisham was absent from school the day they taught American History. Ever since then, guns have been an important part of America. That's probably why the Founding Fathers decided to make the issue of gun control the second-most important issue to be included in the Constitution right after the Free Speech thing.
Glad you voted for Biden?
I have a strong policy that I've learned to live by. If someone I know voted for Biden, I don't speak or interact with them anymore. I have to interact with other people who voted for Biden; I live in Oregon. But that doesn't mean I have to like it. No, Biden brought forth Soros' plans which include the de-gunning of America, and announced it as such right after taking office. Never said a word about it before the election really but went on the "Guns bad!" bandwagon soon after. He wants to take away the guns of citizens before taking away the guns of the military leaving him with only his private force to make sure his edicts go heeded. China didn't pay him all that money for nothing! And Russia. And Ukraine. And ... well, you know the rest already. Yeah, when history is written about this time and the next couple of years in America, it will note how the nation was awakened to the fact their President was the singularly most corrupt, most incompetent, and most useless human IN history. Not just bad - despicable. He willingly offered up his nation to the control of others for money. Wouldn't be the first time and won't be the last, unfortunately.
It's decision time.
The fence has been built and now you've got to decide which side of it you're going to fall on. There's no riding in the middle. You're either for gun control or against it. If you're against it, you're probably thinking about how you're going to deal with the new paradigm. Are you going to lie and tell the government you don't have any guns when they show up to take your weapons away? Are you going to bury your weapons in the backyard under "Pookie the Wonderdog" so the Feds can't find them? Or are you going to run down the collection center and happily toss your firearm into the pile? I've got a funny feeling there's going to be more of the former and less of the latter. And that presents a real problem for the Democrats. Are they willing to use force to get what they want? Are they willing to use firearms to enforce their edicts? If they are, aren't they violating the very principles they are promoting? Funny that. Democrat hypocrisy? Never heard of it!
Anarchy Reigns
The next few days and weeks will be interesting to watch. Will all shootings in New Mexico stop? If they don't, what will the Governor do? She's already banned guns for the next 30 days. Will she extend the moratorium? You bet your ass she will. Why not? If she gets away with it once, she can get away with it again, can't she? She can try to eliminate guns quite simply if you really think about it. She doesn't need a law AGAINST gun ownership. She just needs a law against gun presence in her state. She can make the gun manufacturers responsible for any weapons found within the borders of New Mexico. She can still put citizens in prison for having a weapon but she doesn't have to have their consent to control them, only the legislature's consent. So, it will end up as the State of New Mexico vs. Smith & Wesson, Remington, and every other gun producer in America. Pretty sneaky, huh? Other states will follow and then, boom! No more guns made in America. Russia, China, and every dumbass with an axe to grind with America will have access to guns, not Americans. Sound good?
Where will it all end?
The operative word in the sentence is "end". End of the Second Amendment? Most certainly if the Governor of New Mexico gets her way. She's already said that the contents of the American Constitution are subject to her interpretation. I'm not sure she understands the precedent she is setting. I mean, let's be fair. If she can decide which Constitutional Amendments apply and which ones don't why can't I do the same thing? When a cop pulls me over and wants me to step out of my car to be placed into the back seat of his vehicle, which is currently his right to do under the Supreme Court decision in Terry vs. Ohio despite the protections of the 4th Amendment to unreasonable search and "seizure", there's nothing I can do but go to jail if I don't comply. If putting you into the back seat of a police vehicle isn't a "seizure" of your person, I don't know what is. So, we already have the precedent set. If the Democrats take control of the Supreme Court, I will guarantee you what will happen next. The Second Amendment will disappear completely.