The Constitution, The Candidates, Your Vote!
"The American Declaration of Independence (1776) contains the American philosophy of civil government. The American Constitution (1787) contains the mechanics of the American civil government defining the powers delegated to different parts of the civil structure. It is the law that governs the government. The people then agreed on this new civil government and ratified it as their own (1789). The Bill of Rights (1791) was added to the Constitution to list in writing specific rights of the people that the civil structure is supposed to protect"
Pg. 3 Self-Evident Truths - Foundations of American Political Thought by Bill Burtness
When asked to what type of Supreme Court Justices The Candidates would appoint. Not once did Hillary Clinton mention a Justice that would uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States. Donald Trump did. The Constitution is used to govern the Government and the Supreme Court upholds the Law of the land and is supposed to protect our Bill of Rights!