constexpr and consteval Functions in C++20
This post is a cross-post from .
With C++20, constexpr became way more powerful. Additionally, we have?consteval functions in C++20 that are quite similar to constexpr functions.
Let me first describe a feature in C++20 that surprised me the most.
constexpr Containers and Algorithms of the Standard Template Library
C++20 supports the constexpr containers std::vector and std::string, where constexpr means that the member functions of both containers can be applied at compile time. Additionally, the more than
100 classical algorithms of the Standard Template Library are declared as constexpr. Consequently, you can sort a std::vector of ints at compile time.
Let's see what this means:
// constexprVector.cpp
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
constexpr int maxElement() {
std::vector myVec = {1, 2, 4, 3}; // (1)
std::sort(myVec.begin(), myVec.end());
return myVec.back();
int main() {
std::cout << '\n';
constexpr int maxValue = maxElement();
std::cout << "maxValue: " << maxValue << '\n';
constexpr int maxValue2 = [] {
std::vector myVec = {1, 2, 4, 3}; // (2)
std::sort(myVec.begin(), myVec.end()) ;
return myVec.back();
std::cout << "maxValue2: " << maxValue2 << '\n';
std::cout << '\n';
The two containers std::vector (line (1) and (2)) are sorted at compile time using constexpr-declared functions. In the first case, the function maxElement returns the last element of the vector myVec, which is its maximum value. In the second case, I use an immediately-invoked lambda that is declared constexpr. Here is the output of the program:
The crucial idea for constexpr containers is transient allocation.
Transient Allocation
Transient allocation means that memory allocated at compile time must also be released at compile time. Consequently, the compiler can detect a mismatch of allocation and deallocation in a constexpr function. The following example applies transient allocation.
// transientAllocation.cpp
#include <memory>
constexpr auto correctRelease() {
auto* p = new int[2020];
delete [] p;
return 2020;
constexpr auto forgottenRelease() { // (1)
auto* p = new int[2020];
return 2020;
constexpr auto falseRelease() { // (3)
auto* p = new int[2020];
delete p; // (2)
return 2020;
int main() {
constexpr int res1 = correctRelease();
constexpr int res2 = forgottenRelease();
constexpr int res3 = falseRelease();
The small program has two serious issues. First, the memory in the constexpr function forgottenRelease (line (1)) is not released. Second, the non-array deallocation (line 3) in the constexpr function falseRelease (line (3)) does not match with the array allocation. Consequentially, the compilation fails.
With C++20, we got consteval functions that are quite similar to contexpr functions.
consteval Functions
Often developers are irritated because they don't know if a constexpr function is executed at run time or at compile time. Let's consider the following code snippet.
constexpr int constexprFunction(int arg) {
return arg * arg;
static_assert(constexprFunction(10) == 100); // (1)
int arrayNewWithConstExpressiomFunction[constexprFunction(100)]; // (2)
constexpr int prod = constexprFunction(100); // (3)
int a = 100;
int runTime = constexprFunction(a); // (4)
int runTimeOrCompiletime = constexprFunction(100); // (5)
constexprFunction is, as its name suggests, a constexpr function.
In contrast to a constexpr function, a consteval function can only be executed at compile time.
consteval creates a so-called immediate function.
consteval int sqr(int n) {
return n * n;
Each invocation of an immediate function creates a compile-time constant.?consteval cannot be applied to destructors or functions that allocate or deallocate. A consteval function is as a constexpr function implicitly inline and has to fulfill the requirements for a constexpr function.
The requirements of a constexpr function in C++14 and, therefore, a consteval function are:
There is one interesting use-case that consteval enables. You can initialize a local non-constant variable at compile time.
// compileTimeInitializationLocal.cpp
consteval auto doubleMe(auto val) {
return 2 * val;
int main() {
auto res = doubleMe(1010); // (1)
++res; // 2021 (2)
The local res is initialized at compile time (line 1) and modified at run time (line 2). On the contrary, if the function doubleMe is declared as constexpr, it could be executed at run time.?
What's next?
Before I dive into the new topic block design with templates, I want to present in the next post the C++17 feature constexpr if. constexpr if?enables it to conditionally compile source code and can also be used for nice tricks at compile time.
"The call constexprFunction(a)?(line 4) must be executed at compile time because a is not a constant expression." that should be run time