Constantly on the brink of crashing, because that’s the fastest
Jason Drees
Executive Performance Coach | Mindset Master | Business Leadership Mentor | Author | Entrepreneur | Podcaster | Professional Development Thought Leader
It all starts with a decision. A real decision. A decision that is aligned with the result the moment the decision is made. A decision that is all in. A decision that cuts off any other possibility. A decision that leads to one path and one path alone. That’s where it begins.
Greatness is a choice. It was something you were born for. It’s part of your DNA. It’s part of your makeup, part of the star dust you are made of. And greatness is a battle. It’s a battle against everything you believed to be true (in the past) – and what that real part of you knows is true. It’s a battle against society, against your peers and against everyone around you who also wants you to play it safe.
But that’s not why you were here. You took a specific action to own your greatness, to own your true capacity. To play at that higher level because a part of you knows that greatness is not only in you, it’s a part of who you are. And that greatness in you knows that the road to failure and the road to success are actually the same road – success is just further down the road.
So remember, if you’d don’t have 10,000 hours of practice in, you are not a master. So embrace the level you’re at, celebrate the success that’s in your life right now and love the stretch for more.
And remember: Failure is a byproduct of pushing the envelope.