The Constant Need to Change
Sometime two years ago we made a decision to move across the country and get a more quiet slow-paced environment. With a growing family we think that taking it slow is a good thing. It actually worked out for the first year, then something hit us - boredom. I correct myself, boredom is an understatement, in fact I might as well qualify it as a passion for constant change.
While status quo is a good thing, being involved in Information Technology for most 50% of my day, there is a constant need to change. Technically speaking, the need for constant innovation. While change involves a lot of resources (both money and time), a lot of risks (depending on the change), and probably some relationships, it (change) is still what we need in order to survive.
Whichever way you perceive survival - work, relationships, family - we have to at least keep up with the pace. Yes, we don't wait for things to happen. We make things happen! Otherwise, we will just get stuck, and the next blow of change that comes along, it might blow us to a situation we have never been, and we can't even explain why.
Every time I sit on my desk and start my work day, or end my day, I always ask myself one question: "What can I change?" The ideas that flows on my mind will usually blow me away and I pray that God will give me that divine strength, divine wisdom, and divine health to start and complete these changes.
Be passionate. Whatever that makes our heart pump oxygen to our hearts, we keep it up! Whatever that keeps us awake late in the night, or make us wake up early in the morning, we keep it up! But we don't get stuck with it that we no longer find ways to make it better.
Let love be your first. Pursuing our passions and putting love first makes the perfect ingredient for a constant change. Whenever we think about change we think about love as a main sole purpose. We don't let greed, or hate rule it. We love our customers? Yes! Then, make it a better place for them. Focus on their needs. We love our families? Yes! Then, we value them with our time. We love our team? Yes! Then, it is worth saving it from intinction. Train them with love.
Learn at all times. Please do not make our age as an excuse to stop learning. It is one of the important things we pass on to our kids. Let us keep learning and set a good example to our kids and let that love and passion for learning burning. Learn something new everyday. Enroll and invest on it, if you must.
Fear is a lie. This is probably a title of a Christian Song that I once heard and this phrase stayed with me, whenever I felt like change is inevitable. We don't let fear take us back. If we have the resources, embrace change. If we don't have resources, embrace it anyway and make way to raise for resources. This will definitely take us to a different place than where we are right now.
Keep our lessons learned. Losing something doesn't mean the end of the world. I once lost the right to receive an allowance because of my decision to leave Roman Catholic and embrace Born-Again Christianity. I got an awesome college job in return. I once lost a scholarship by .25 of a grade but that restored my relationship with my mom. I once lost a job but that led me to a better job and opportunity that brought me to where I am now. Feel that pain when you lost something but we don't stare too long on that closed door that we don't notice the other doors that are being opened for us. In fact, open our arms at all times, with gratitude, for good things are about to pour in.
Grow where we are planted. Stop complaining. Stop trying to fit in. Just get to work and build ourselves positively, everyday.We all have our own purposes. Yeah, reality is, not everyone will become a President, but anyone can make a difference. Keep helping others and grow.
My recent trip up north opened my mind to a lot of changes I have been missing. It must be the air (haha)! It explains all the boredom that I have been facing. I have lost that passion to innovate for a little while in exchange for a more quiet life. In spite of that, I know have grown a branch. Now, I am more ready to thrive.
To the reader of this article that went all the way to the end, here is my special treat for you. One of my favorite song of all time is "Constant Change" by a world-renown Filipino Singer Jose Marie Chan. Every time I hear the song I will always feel the need to innovate because life is a constant change. May it bring you the air of constant change as well.
Jose Marie Chan, Constant Change
We're on the road
We move from place to place
And oftentimes when I'm about to call it home
We'd have to move along
Life is a constant change...
Clouds that move across the skies
Are changing form before our very eyes