The Constant Dilemma of Giving Up
Monalisa Roy
Marketing Specialist @Aftershoot | Content marketing | SEO Organic Growth |Social media management | Marketing and communications
Hey friend,
Lately, I've been thinking quite a lot about this.
"If only I reached this goal, I'd finally be happy"
But isn't it weird that once we do achieve something we really wanted to, we always need more?
The cycle keeps on going
I have always found human beings fascinating.
Our endless craving of wanting more never ends, does it?
More money, more power, more followers, more of this and more of that.
And while we are in a constant dilemma of whether or not to give up, the present moment keeps slipping by. What should we do to stop this cyclical chain of thought?
How can we possibly handle the burden of wanting more?
I know that all of it shouldn't bother us. But it does.
And somedays are sad.
I don't have this revolutionary idea of how to break the cycle. I am figuring it out myself. But I think what might comfort you is if you would let it be.
If you are sad, then feel it. Your emotions are telling you something. When you are sad it means you care.
If you can't snap out of it, give yourself time.
Being in a constant energetic state is exhausting. Take it from someone who's been told many times "you radiate an irresistible energy". I'd like to think that I am someone who brings positive vibes when I walk into a room.
But as for today, I can't. I can't snap out of it.
And I have decided to let myself be.
Love Monalisa.