Conspiracy or Cock-Up? - Naked Leader Week

Conspiracy or Cock-Up? - Naked Leader Week

When something goes wrong in an organisation – key people missed off an email or calendar invitations, decisions made without all relevant people present etc. – some people will shout ‘conspiracy!!!’

“They have conspired against me” – whoever ‘they’ are.

This is most unlikely to be the case – organisations have enough issues as it is, without deliberately causing more!

So, next time this happens to you, and you wonder if it’s a mistake, or the secret cartel have got it in for you, trust me – it’s way more likely to be a simple cock-up.

With my love and best wishes to you all



And to catch this week's article as an audio, narrated by David, just click on the link here:

#nlweekly #nakedleader #conspiracy #cockup


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