Revelations by the current UK Government Attorney General that Remainer Civil Servants have thwarted the implementation of UK Free Ports and Free Zones. Lets have a look at the evidence?
The Ministry selected to handle the UK Free Ports - THE MINISTRY OF HOUSING? In all my 40 + Plus Years in the Free Port & Free Zone Industry I have never seen the Ministry of Housing been allocated that portfolio. NEVER !!! Usually allocated to the Ministry of Commerce, The Ministry of Economy or the Ministry of Finance - but, Ministry of Housing - NEVER.
The UK became BREXIT FREE on the 1st January 2021 - after the UK Vote in 2016 to depart the EU Club - 2016 to 2021 ( some 4 years) - Plenty of time to secur an Oven Ready Programme to take immediate advantage of the opportunities a Free Port and Free Zone Programme an bring to the Economy. But, NO - Nothing started until after January 1st 2021 - WHY??? Because it was being Managed ( Manipulate) by REMAINER Civil Servants and Lets face it not many people really understood what a Free Port or Free Zone was (is). We have had them before - FREE PORTS in the UK and they failed miserably. So why repeat the same template that failed. We are now July 2022 19 Months from Brexit Day and can you name ONE Free Port that has made ANY MONEY? Don't need to reply I already know the answer - NONE / ZERO /ZILCH !!!
Two of the UK's biggest 'Gateway's - Heathrow and Gatwick didn't even get an allocation nor did DOVER - Why? Too many questions remain unanswered and the 'SO CALLED EVALUATION Committee - Smells like a 'FIX to me. A Stitch up by the Civil Servant Mandarins intent on 'SINKING BREXIT' - Nothing to do with nice Golden Pensions I guess ?
Never Mind One Ministry was advertising for HEAD OF FREE PORTS - ( what happened to the guy doing that job?) - To reflect the significance and responsibility of that position a mind shattering UK Pounds 55,000 was the Salary Cap. Doesn't seem right for such a responsible position. Surely, there should have been a Ministry of Free Ports especially when the UK appeared to be struggling financially with the Covid 19 Pandemic and a Free Port/Free Zone Regime could contribute billions into our coffers. Just take a look at Dubai which has 23 Free Zones and its Free Zones contribute over $140 Billion per year towards Dubai's Non Oil & Gas GDP ( Valued at $500 Billion per year). What are they doing right and we not doing at all.?? Surely, nobody could be blocking this process?
Once the 8 Free Ports were finally decided and allocated HM Govt advised they would each be getting UK Pounds 26 Million to help them establish the New Free Ports. Of course - Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland were not included. Several Ministers - Liz Truss, Dr Liam Fox Etc were enjoying lots of PR and overseas trips claiming big revenues for the UK Economy. What is the Smell of Horse Manure?
The academics were let loose by the Civil Servants to write up papers that they knew nothing about and claims that the UK would be awash with Money Laundering - Frankly Laughable!! - Places such as Dubai and the UAE Free Zones are regulated and monitored. Whereas we don't see the same controls here in the UK in the City of London - Any Foreign Dictator can move his money into the UK and buy up expensive Real Estate - NO QUESTIONS asked???
Who is losing out? Well you are UK People - Jo Public - Your Electric Bills have Increased, so has your Gas and everything else including food. TAX you to death and Tax you upon Death... It keeps coming....
It could all of been so different ? Is it TOO LATE ( Maybe too late for BORIS) but Suella Braverman ( MP for Fareham) was 100% accurate in her claim and observation that Brexit (and Free Ports) have been blocked by the second agenda Civil Servants. Hon Reese Mogg - SACK 90,000 of them we don't need them !!!!!!
We/I know what Free Ports and Free Zones can do for any economy (I have been in this business for over 40 Years) and see WHAT A WASTE OF SPACE out politicians who I assume have been advised by our CIVILSERVANTS.... GAME OVER!!!!!