Consortium 21 CEO Shares Her Insights on Metaverse: Ultimate Evolution of the Internet

Consortium 21 CEO Shares Her Insights on Metaverse: Ultimate Evolution of the Internet

The arrival of the Metaverse is going to change the way we interact with technology. It's hard not to be excited about this revolutionary new platform that could transform digital interactions between people and businesses for years, or even decades ahead!

At the moment, tech giants and other online platforms are positioning themselves to prepare for the arrival of Metaverse.

Our CEO, Lai Ann had been invited on the 26th July 2022 to share her insights about?Metaverse: Ultimate Evolution of the Internet?at SIDEC event.

I’m going to extract her key sharing here…


The good news is right now, there are not many people in the Metaverse space… especially in Malaysia.

From a humble beginning

Consortium 21 didn't start as a technology company.

In fact, 30 years ago Consortium 21 was a traditional publishing company, founded by Dr. Benny Yeo. This was?before?the Internet era came into this space.

After the Internet came and we pivoted Consortium 21 business model in the mid-2000s.

And now with the Web 3.0 era,?Consortium 21 has transformed into a full-fledged provider of cutting-edge technologies.

We’re providing the following product and services… from Cryptocurrency Wallet to creating Gamefi solutions.

We’re also providing NFT solutions and Blockchain technologies to supply chains and anti-counterfeiting in plantation and farming – even for?Musang King?durian.

Even more…

We are also building Decentralized Ecommerce and all the way to NFT minting… Tokenization… Staking and Defi.

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Right now,

Consortium 21 is a Martech company.

Our aim?is to be the front-runner in the world of Web 3.0 development. With Consortium 21,?you can take advantage of our unique and innovative marketing strategies?to up your level in your business.

It’s very important for you to LEVERAGE on this Metaverse space and Web 3.0 technology -- especially to integrate with your marketing and branding strategies.

Case Study: Jobbie x Vanilla Crepe Mooncrepe

This is about creating NFT solutions via utilities – which includes selling your NFTs, giving some perks, and basically ties the loyalty of your customers.

Consortium 21 is the solution provider for?Jobbie’s?entire?Vanilla Crepe Mooncrepe?campaign. We help them to build the whole entire system from minting to getting the NFT for their customers.

It’s the FIRST crypto mooncake in the world!!

As you may know, the process of getting your NFT is actually very tedious right now.

But in Consortium 21, we are offering a very?simplified solution?where you can?get your NFT into your wallet within 10 seconds!!

How amazing this is!

What Metaverse is NOT…

You may have heard the various definitions of the Metaverse.

But the Metaverse is NOT:

… just a virtual world.

… just a virtual space.

… Web 3 / Cryptocurrency / Blockchain.

=> Cryptocurrency or Blockchain is the infrastructure that supports the Metaverse.

… AR/VR.

=> In fact, they are just tools/devices to access the Metaverse.

… just a game.

=> You may hear of Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite. Yes, these are in the Metaverse. A simple analogy is you can't say Google or Apple or Facebook are Internet. They are using the internet and are on the Internet.

… a comprehensive vision of the future.

=> At the beginning, nobody can predict what social media platforms like Facebook, Tik Tok, and even Instagram are very major business and marketing tools today. The same goes for the Metaverse now.

Why Metaverse?

There are already so many companies venturing into the Metaverse space.

Here are some statistics to show BIG tech companies have already invested billions of US dollars into this space.

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Microsoft just acquired a company called Activision Blizzard's for USD68 billion.

This is one of the BIGGEST acquisitions in history to expand their Metaverse game plan.

And we have Facebook investing billions of dollars into the Metaverse too.

Today, Roblox has about 55 million active users every single day.

Do you think these companies will stop developing in the Metaverse just because of the naysayers?

Value Creation in Metaverse

In 2021, only USD13 billion are invested in Metaverse.

But today in 2022, it’s already more than USD100 billion.

McKinsey and JP Morgan estimated that in less than 10 years, the investment will reach trillions of dollars!

Imagine if you're not getting yourself into this space,?you’re MISSING out a BIG opportunity!

How Can Consortium 21 help you?

The Metaverse is not a space for games or fashion, but it is applicable to ALL sorts of industries and functions in the world today.

We know big brands and big corporations that venturing into the Metaverse space have all the resources and manpower talents.

The question is…

How can you begin your Metaverse journey for your business... especially if you’re an SME business?

That's why Consortium 21 is building Metaverse Cities in-house to suit SMEs or small businesses, for organizations – where we reduce your hassle significantly to understand blockchain technology and hire manpower.

In fact, we already house a lot of our SMEs inside our Metaverse Cities.

Hope you got lots of great value from this post.

If you’re interested to explore collaboration in the Metaverse space or get your business presence in Consortium 21 Metaverse Cities, reach out to us via email: [email protected]

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