Is consolidation of the Hospitality Industry the way to go?
As I reflect over the past 6 months in our industry, I find myself asking this question more and more. We have seen over the past month or so somewhere close to a dozen issues in the airline industry that make you ask whether allowing these airlines to consolidate to the point where there are just a few major choices a good thing? I think not.
After the last incident, I was watching an interview with an airline representative that said “Flying is a privilege, not a right.” While there is some truth to this, it shows exactly the issues we are dealing with…. It shows the arrogance of the airline industry.
Is this Hospitality, hell no…? Do we feel that we are flying the friendly sky’s any longer, hell no. The few major airlines have us in their sights, they will do what they want when they want and if you don’t like it…. Walk….
Have we found since the airlines have merged that service has become better? I think not! I can’t remember when I have flown lately and said the service was amazing, and I am fortunate to fly in the front of the plane more than most. First class today just means a better seat, not first class service. Most of the time when you head to the restroom during the flight the attendant is sitting there on their phone or yacking with the other attendants, certainly not making sure that the client is content.
Are we headed this same way in the hotel business? This question should be asked far before we end up in the same situation as we have with the airline industry. Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing something repeatedly and expecting a different result. Will we come to the point where the hotel industry said to the customer that “staying in a hotel is a privilege, not a right.” Luckily there are plenty of properties that are not tied to a major chain that should be able to keep the majors from this attitude, however can they hold on forever? Time will tell.
When brands compete, the customer wins…. When brands believe that they are in control, the customer loses. I have been a member of this industry for 44 years, I am proud of our industry… however I am also very fearful of many of the same issues we are experiencing in the airline industry happening in the hotel industry. #meetingpros; #eventpros