Be Consistent at Being Consistent!
Walter R. Aguilar CPC, CORE Dynamics Specialist
Pioneer in the mind/energy connection to peak performance. One of the first 25 to become certified as a COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist in the World by IPEC - Institute for Professional in Excellence in Coaching
Most athletes mess up their amateur and/or professional careers by choosing inconsistency. They play below their capability and capacity. In the long run, this is why they fail to reach their personal goals and full potential; they are inconsistent.
Perhaps more than most professions, in athletics you're only as good as your last performance. So how do you succeed? By being consistent at being consistent. It's not easy to combine the art of meditation and concentration with being explosive and on the offensive. Consistency is the spice of greatness. Excellence is never an act, but always a habit.
How do you become a consistent athlete?
You've probably heard the phrase, "consistency is the key to success" or something like that. It's true but it's a misleading cliche. The real path to success isn't just to change the way you act but to be the same person you need to be to be effective. True success is not a destination but rather a collection of amazing performances along the way. Its in the becoming where the joy and passion are found.
Often, when working with high performers, when things are not going they way the want, they begin to ask "what do I have to do?". They focus on what they need to do and trying to get it right. That's not the key to success. The key is who you are being! The more meaningful question to ask oneself is, "Who do I need to be?". Most athletes focus on what they need to do and trying to get it right. That's not the key to success. The key is who you are being! It's who you are being in the moment that inspires and influences you to show up and perform at your best.
Time after time, the athletes who make significant improvements in their lifetimes are not those who made one big change, whether positive or negative. Rather, they were the ones who were consistent and steady in making small changes over and over again, usually without seeing much in the way of immediate results.
The best athletes have a consistency formula and work hard to perfect it. Your goal should be to be consistent at being consistent, do the same things at a certain time and place every day. The way to get there is ritual and routine. Most people think of consistency as an attribute, like being honest or punctual. But consistency is actually a behavior, like brushing your teeth.
The key to staying consistent is being in the now and not about results or outcomes. If you focus too much on results, you can end up draining energy to past and future thinking, your energy would be better used in the moment for creativity, intuition, and action. All these energetic attributes are present when an athlete is in the sports "zone", and performing at their best.
Have a vision for yourself, where you are being the person who is authentic, effective in their performance and meets their targets by playing the game in the right way; 100% engaged in the process, and for the right reasons. The success formula then becomes simple.
Be consistent in your rituals and routines. Set your goal to be who you need to ‘be’ in the game. Set your intentions as to how you will perform because of you are being. In the end you may find yourself meeting your daily and longer-term targets as a result
Consistency is the key to greatness. Being a consistent athlete requires the right mindset; an open one to see yourself differently. Also, to develop elite level habits and rituals, learning to be in the ‘now’ moment, because that is where the "zone" can be consistently accessed for greater performances that can become the norm not just the exception.
Walter Aguilar is Certified Professional Coach and COR.E Performance, Transition & Leadership Dynamics Specialist. He teaches mindfulness and zone access using the iPEC energy leadership process and COR.E Performance Dynamics disciplines. He teach and empowers athletes, executives, sales professionals and seekers from all walks of life. He supports them as they tap into their potential and perform at their highest level in whatever role in life they find themselves stuck or in a slump in.
He is available for public speaking engagements, camps, webinars, workshops and online team and one to one coaching.
Walter Aguilar @ 778-558-8044 or?email at