[The Consistency of Love: The Resilience Of Mercy - 3 Jhn 2]
Image by Rosy Bad Homburg Germany from Pixabay

[The Consistency of Love: The Resilience Of Mercy - 3 Jhn 2]

1. Why is it so hard to:

a) love God The Way He Loves Us (Lam 3:22 + Jer 31:3);

b) to respect Him the way He respects us? (Lev 22:32 + Rev 3:20);

c) to celebrate Him the way He celebrates us (3 Jhn 2);

d) to listen for His voice, the way He listens for ours (Pslm 18:6-9);

e) to fulfill our promises to Him, the way He faithfully fulfills the promises we have believed Him for (Num 23:29 + Jsh 21:45);

f) to give to Him out of what He has so graciously provided? (Mal 1:8 + Mal 3:8);

g) to give Him pre-eminence the way He puts us first - above His own interests (Jhn 3:16 + Heb 2:5-6 = Jer 31:3 + 3 Jhn 2);

h) to take Him at His Word (Pslm 89: 34 + Heb 11:6), the way He continues to accept our undertakings as proof that we will follow through (1 Jhn 1:9).

2. What is it about us, that refuses to fuss over the One who has, and continues to "fuss" over us (Gal 3:13-14 + Mrk 16:15-16 = Phil 4:6-7), and all that concerns us for good (Rm 8:31-32 + Rm 8:34 = Eph 3:20).

3. What is it about us that gets us writing Him shopping lists (Num 11:4-6 + Lk 17:12-14 = 2 Kngs 5:11), more often than we write Him "Thank you" (Lk 17:17-18 + Mt 26:7-9), and "I have been thinking of you" Love Notes (Lk 7:44-47)?

4. What is it about us that stops us from serving Him (Mt 22:2-6,12), the way He so totally and generously caters to our every need (Pslm 145:15- 16 + Mt 7:7 = Phil 4:19)?

5. If we were too ill to blink, would we be able to attend to that excuse - the one you give for not spending time with Him, talking about Him, or doing things to "make His day" because we wanted to?

6. Haven't you figured it out yet - that as a mother suckles her young, every one of us, are nourished by Him?That every apple we bite into is Him, every tomato, every egg, every piece of meat, the butter and the cheese, the seafood we delight in, the snails, every glass of juice or milk or wine we ingest...every seed and every other (Jhn 1:3), is us feeding off Him (Gen 1: 11, 20-22, 24-25,29-30 + Gen 9: 3)?

7. What if He decided to stop making more of Himself available - we would have a famine so big that there'd be nothing to eat or to drink (1 Kngs 17:1 + 1 Kngs 18:5). And soon enough, there'd be no shade to shelter under.

8. And if He decided to stop beaming His light (Gen 1:3 + Rev 21:23), and to shut down every moon in orbit (Rev 6:12-16), how busy would we be?

But Love says:

A). I won't stop showing up - even if they don't appreciate me (2 Tim 2:13). I won't stop reaching out, because I know they don't know their true worth (Gen 1:26-27 + Jer 33:3 = Prv 27:17).

B). I won't stop showing up until they are sure they can make it without Me (1 Sam 2:30B + Mrk 16:16 = 2 Pet 3:9 + Num 14:28).

Then, and only then, will I withdraw all of Me, and all of Mine (Mt 24:29-31 + Rev 6:4 = Rev 6:8). That is when I will leave them to self-care (Jhn 10:10A + Mt 24:30 = Mrk 13:27). That is when I will shut the gates of My house and of My home against them (Mt 7:23 + Mt 25:41 = Rev 20:10,15).


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