Consistency looks like you!
Before you ask me where I was all this time, let me remind you. I am only human. ??
But hey, the break gave me a chance to explore the consistency in me. It's been long, but am I writing this to cover my absence and carelessness? Who knows. ??
On a serious note, we all have our share of gloomy days, that sometimes run for weeks or even months. But what I realized is that the more you compare your break or inconsistency with the regularity of others, the more you become anxious. And believe me, comparing does no good but gives a dent to the atoms amount of motivation left in you.
So what should consistency look like??
The answer is no cakewalk. It differs for each individual and so for you. But it definitely is far from being your best every single day. Neither does it mean you spare a uniform amount of time between every effort.
I don't believe that you don't try. Maybe you aren't trying your best. But hey, be easy on yourself. Responsibilities don't come in batches, and you are overloaded with them.
Maybe you are consistent with other aspects of your life. So what if you missed your yoga class for 3 days or skipped your language learning for a week? Skipping doesn't make you inconsistent; it's giving up on hope that makes you bitter.
From what I see, you were consistent throughout. Maybe you missed the class, but you helped a stranger fix their broken car, or maybe you were looking after your ailing father. Why does that make you feel you are inconsistent? You see... you were consistent with your social or relational responsibilities.
Skipping one responsibility at a particular moment to fulfill a more important one doesn't make you a failure. Taking healthy, frequent breaks is also a sign of being consistent in taking care of yourself.
So the next time you feel remorseful for being inconsistent and think to give up, remind yourself that true consistency lies in failing and trying again N number of times.
Here's an article on the 'reasons why you lack consistency and how to overcome it' that you might find interesting:
Until next time. ??