Consistency is the Key
In life when you look at those famous people, those rich people or those talent sports people, you can be inclined to think that they have a natural talent and that's why they are successful or they got a lucky break and that is never going to happen to me, trust me you are wrong! Of course there are some exemptions to any rule but for the majority it was consistency that made it happen. Showing up everyday no matter what.
This is true for all walks of life, want big muscle you have to consistently go to the gym no matter what - to tired, so what get up and train. Even those that cheat still have to train hard for the result. If you want that dream job you have to go on interview after interview, suffer rejection after rejection but it will happen. Comedians might be born funny but they have to play stand up gigs night after night just to get recognises. What you don't see in the people we look up to and admire is the hard work it took to get there.
You are responsible for your own outcome in life. Your attitude will determine your altitude and consistency is the goal. Rich or poor we are all self made.