Consistency Counts with Customers
Is your customer contact consistent throughout all platforms? Whether you see your customers in person, talk to them over the phone, reach them via Messenger or Email, the interaction your customers experience with winery staff or owners needs to be consistent.
If you do not have a written information piece for the tasting room and other staff members on how customers should be treated, start writing one now.
Here are some tips:
Treat Customers with Respect
That your customers feel respected is one of the most important things to ensure that they will continue to do business with you. The whole idea of customer service is to treat your customers well. You want them to feel important.
Make Customers Feel Special
Every person is an individual and deserves to be treated as such. When you are dealing with different sets of customers at the same time vary your language. If you have already said, “Would you like to start with Sauvignon Blanc?” to one set of guests, change to, “We have three white wines available to taste and Sauvignon Blanc is usually first on the list.”
It is difficult to sound enthusiastic with individual customers when we are using the same language. By varying your language, you are less likely to sound like a recording and… you will be less bored at the end of the day than you would be if you have said the same thing 50 or more times.
Get to Know Your Customers
Ask a few questions of your customers to let them know you are interested in them. Do this without prying into their personal lives too much. Start out with a couple of questions about their relationship with wine and what part wine plays in their life.
- Do you enjoy a glass of wine with dinner?
- What is your favorite red/white wine?
- Do you like learning about wine?
These are three ideas to start with. Try these out in the tasting room this week and see how they work for you. Next week, I will have more ideas.
A tip of the glass from me to you!