The Consistency & The Compounding Effect:

The Consistency & The Compounding Effect:

In this article, as a neurodivergent coach, I'll be going over a two very important concept that you my clients must know about if you want to achieve any measurable success, in your life under any circumstance. These principles govern basically 95% of what I do and it's basically the magic behind why anyone can Be like Steven Chrowder the famous conservative youtuber, who simply makes video-content and yet makes millions of dollars a year. What makes one person so special and what makes another person not so special? This is something as a person with ADHD that I've spent a great deal of time figuring out because, my brain often times does things I don't want it to DO. This is inclusive of your usual perpetrators, social-media addiction , QUORA, reddit, youtube facebook, twitter all of these applications we spend so many hours on and surprisingly most of the time is almost never productive... That's the problem with humans and especially people with ADHD in general, is that most of our time is stolen from us from events outside of our control or those that are within our control, but it often feels difficult to exert constant will-power over ones-self. Why is this the case? What is the compounding effect and what is consistency?

  1. Consistency: It's an idea I learned during my time on my lovely stimulants that blunted the living shit out of my emotions and basically lobotomized my prefrontal cortex when it came to critical thinking skills. I had no social tact, no emotions and no nuance, but what I did have was a disgusting work ethic. I could all of a sudden NOT miss ONE DAY doing a fixed BEHAVIOR and I could do it basically forever. I discovered this all the way back in 2016 when I was constantly felt like I was battling myself just to compound behaviors in a meaningful way. What I had discovered on stimulants(Ritalin) that if you could do a behavior long enough across a few months to years you could effectively get any result.. Consistency is the idea of doing a repetition of a behavior across a sustained time-frame and through these repetitions you continually improve and get increasingly better at the given task that you do, given enough repetitions. The magic of normal people, isn't that they are smarter than us neurodivergent or even necessarily more gifted it's, simply that they can sustaining behavioral X program modality to achieve a Y outcome. That is why neurotypicals kick our ass so fucking hard, it's not that they are smarter than us or that they know more. They are more dependable in the tasks that they do across the time-span of years and this is what allows them to get any result no matter the lack of talent they do or do not have.
  2. Consistency of application of Behavioral is what allows you to discipline yourself and allows you attain anything you like: Think of Steven Crowder, he has 5 million subscribers. He's fucking rich... What allows him to command so much attention but yet your YouTube channel has nothing? It's very simple it's not that he has any unique talents per se, granted he's very funny, but if you look at the man's channel he's been doing it sense 2008. He has been consistency for over 10 years to get to where he is right now. Success is cumulative and does not happen over night, this is what most ADHD and neurodivergent people don't understand precisely because we are impatient and lack impulse control. One thing as a potential client, that you won't get is, that it really doesn't matter how much you know in any given subject unless you can reasonably apply what you know to attain the results that you desire. This is why Barkley describes ADHD as a problem of showing and PROVING what you know, this is why ADHD people make so much less money than on average compared to are neurotypical counterparts. Consistency is the mechanism of being a practitioner, of what you preach rather than being a theoretician of what you teach. If you wish to attain any result, then we must find a way to SUSTAIN those BEHAVIORS FOR YEARS and to get as MANY days as possible in a ROW of doing that behavior no matter how shitty it is for that behavior to be useful to us. This is why BAD HABITS, like social-media, YouTube, reddit,face-book, twitter, Instagram and internet, wiki, porn as so addicting and so hard to STOP they are very easy to KEEP consistency in because the instant-gratification is very easy to acquire.. Their those behaviors become compounded into BAD HABITS....
  3. A theoretic Example for you: Let's suppose that you wanted to do 30 pull ups, per day. NOTE I used to be able to do 30 pull ups on ritalin when I COULD KEEP consistency for MONTHS on END and UPHOLD THE COMMITMENTS of what I was supposed to do. You will note, that as I went unmedicated my strength naturally decreased? Why? Simple, less consistency compounded across a delay gratified time-frame=less strength: So back to our example, say we want to do 30 pullups, How would we achieve such a task? Simple, buy a pull up and you begin what I call A PROCESS. Say your a Fat as hell, you can only do 1 PULL UP. That is all you NEED to start your process. So, let's say that YOUR neurotypical and we can reasonably assume that you can keep this process of trial and error going for 6 months. Then, what you would do is very simple. We do basic 30 minute work out of doing as many sets of 1 pull ups as possible for those 30 minutes. That would equal 1 pull up a minute or 30 pull ups in 30 minutes with some squats in between. Even if you HALF ass this process, you would still find that your baseline improvement increased. Why? Because the body/brain does not make meaningful changes to itself by knowing or only briefly doing a task, it can only learn and do a task, by repeating these processes hundreds to thousands of times, to meaningfully improve. In month 1 week 1, we might have the goal of working out 7 days that week and if you did 1 pull up a minute for 30 minutes, across 7 days, you've now just done 210 pullups. IN week 2, you increased you pull up ratio to 2 pull ups in 30 minutes, which equals 60 pull ups every 30 minutes which is 420 pull ups for week 2. In week 3 you increase it to 3 pull ups or 90 pull-ups in 30 minutes or 630 pull ups. Lastly, in week 4 , you did 4 pull ups in 30 minutes, equating to a grand total of 120 pull ups multiplied by 7 days 840 pulls ups. MONTH 1 grand total: 2,100 pullups have been completed. If we make the reasonable assumption that it would take 700 pull ups to yield a consistent 5 pull up output from your 1 pull up baseline, you have now tripled your endurance+strength and you probably lost somewhere from 10-20 pounds from yourself. So why, does this work? What's going on here? It' quite simple really, assuming you following this routine CONSISTENTLY without missing a day or MISSING as few days as possible, then you would get your result at a high probabilistic rate of 60%. In this sense, you have done repetitions of behaviors and indicated to your body, that their is a constant stress being placed upon you which must be adapted to, so your are not in as much discomfort. The body and mind only change in response to a challenge so, that it can lessen how much energy is being wasted. The brain is very very lazy and will never voluntary change unless the net damage is greater than than the net-energy of change of what would be required to change. Thus, we must assume for change to occur that Net-damage> Net-change of energy= permanent change to the self. You also, did something very interesting, you compounded a trivial effort of just doing 1 repetition across a time-span of a delayed outcome and you cumulatively built up this effort and layered it as a stress to your body to where you could indicate to your own body, that net-damage> net-change of energy= you losing weight: Now, this will segway into the importance of not just keeping consistency across days into a single month but stringing these consistent months across year spans and this is what we discuss next.
  4. The compounding effect says that any behavior you do repeatedly for years on end across a delayed-gratified time-span will equal an expotential reward proportionate to the amount of consistency x effort expended= exponential outcome. Neurotypicals are not necessarily smarter than people with ADHD but they are stupidly fucking consistent and they stick with their BEHAVIORS for years on end. This is what a CAREER is called. You will see this all the time, a neurotypical started out as the BUS boy and he stuck around his trash job until he kept compounding his related experiences into a collective-rich data-base of information to what can be called an expert. He can look back into the PAST of his data-base and remember prior experiences to optimize the best response for what he did. Eventually became the manager 10 years later because he was consistent with that company from month 1 to month-120. Now, he makes 300k a year, precisely because he has a deep rich Data-base of experiences, he can reflect upon to discuss all the possibilities and he can account for those possibilities without having to give a suboptimal response to the situation, this is called an expert. Experts are so valuable and paid so much precisely because it takes years of commitment and time to achieve these high levels of skill. Humans are slow to learn and investing in a good quality expert is worth more than 10 intermediate workers with only semi-compounded databases-of non-optimized solutions to solutions that could yield a company hundreds of a millions of dollars. That's why they don't give a fuck, if you want to learn, why hire you? When they can hire George who has been consistent for 25 years? He will make them more money...

4A.Thus, this leads to the next natural question how do I compound my repetition of behavior, so people will pay me alot of money? This is a interesting question and it all leads make to my pull-up example, we discussed earlier. In order to compound a behavior we must understand what is the objective of compounding that given behavior and what is the utility value. To compound a behavior across a repetition creates an inprint or a data-base of information, that you can recall for later retrieval, kinda like a video-game. The more times you did a behavior the more often you came closer to understanding the optimized response to leading you to the optimized solution. To compound a behavior are goal, then becomes to make every possible mistake we can make and make every possible failure, then we must analyze those failures and then we learn from those failures. Thus, repetitions gives us a process that we develop and attain the thousands of repetitions needed across a consistent time-span, so that we can recall and look back into the past and recall from are other past-failures to find what worked and what doesn't work. So before, we get into the actual logistics of compounding your behaviors, I want to emphasize, LOOKING BACK INTO THE PAST. As people with ADHD, it is CRUCIAL to learn to mimic neurotypicals in this capacity, you will see them posting videos of themselves 10 years ago, doing behaviors that were consistent. What they are doing is recalling a data-base of consistent behaviors, to see how they started and to what can be changed. Without the ability, to remember and looking into the past, no meaningful change could occur in human-life. Neurodivergent people are capable of this capacity, it's just much much harder because our executive deficits, emotional-deficits and physical deficits which I can coach you into managing for a 25% off deal, But we can get into my coaching prices later... I want to tell you a story of of reflecting into the past:

4B: If you've read any of my articles, you'd know I've always had problems with women, dating, getting laid, having sex etc, because I always had something wrong with me. I just didn't know what was wrong with me. I was that geeky nerd, who didn't know what the fuck he was doing like 95% of the time and obviously that lead to my current life-situation. Note: I am very content and at peace with my current life: Anyways, One day I meant this girl named PANI, she randomly texted me and wanted to meet and said I was a "cool-guy and seemed chill" I was freaked the fuck out, she clearly wanted to do stuff, but I was feeling nervous, I even felt terrified, paranoid if you will. What if you she was man? What if he was a sex predator wanting to rape me? What if he wanted to kill me? I had all of those thoughts because I am naturally a distrusting person and my anxiety was getting in my way. She was acting weird... I felt off. She was actually a girl it turned out. And I blew it, a girl coming on to me in a perpetual dry spell that I found myself in. What else did I do, all day besides meaningless self-gratification through the evil of technology that was exploitations my deficits. Eventually, I realized, my perception was not accurate of my reality and tried to explain to her my neurodivergent nature, but it did not matter nothing I said would change her mind and the attraction was dead. Either way, I didn't really give a fuck regardless but my anxiety had caused an anxiety synchronicity, to occur to where the situation did not suit my advantage and naturally i lost that attraction. Obviously, We never talked ever again and I pushed her out of my mind like all my other failures with women. Eventually, I reflected back into my database and I termed this the pani situation to remind myself of my anxiety and how it could caused cognitive distorsions and is what effectively caused 99% of my dating problems, hence why I am monk-mode and will stay that way for the foreseeable future. So, every girl after whom I approached, I would remind myself of my autistic stupidity and the pani situation and I would look back into the past of all of my data-base of failed relationships with women to make sure I did not do it again. Note, I've not been successful with this yet, but am still building these rich-databases accordingly. So what's the moral of this story? It's quite simple, even though this X situation went to trash and we will never speak likely ever again, I can use it as a tool for the future to try my best to learn from those mistakes by labeling those experiences as notable memories from my long-term memory. Thus, this leads us to, how we compound are behaviors...since I've been dragging this out...

4C. So now, that you know as a neurodivergent person your objective, is to AMASS a database of rich information, how do we begin to applicate and become a practitioner of my pull-up example, that I gave above? It's quite simple really, PICK any X vocation you wish to do and stick with it for Y time no matter how much you hate that behavior. In month 1 you were trash at Judo, In month 3 you, learned the uchimata, in month 6 you learned all the basic judo sweep-kicks and movements, in year 1 you finally became intermediate after a good deal of practice. You will Note that in 1 year, we Month 1-Month-12. If you have correctly stuck with those behaviors in such a productive capacity then, what you've done is you have amassed hundreds of repetitions of differing behaviors across a year which your brain will eventually automate, as you become increasingly better at that given behavior. Thus, you have compounded that behavior in a similar field consistently without getting distracted by other fields of knowledge which would require a similar amount of the compounding effect to get a similar result accordingly. Thus, to attain the exponential results rather than linear results, you must compound monthly consistent behavior outputs into decade long-outputs. By doing, so your cumulative behavior will add up into the 10 of thousands of behaviors which will literally warp your being into such a way that you will permanently change what you are because, what you have done will have become firmly calloused and ingrained into your brain. This is what neurotypicals call mastery. This is why football players get paid millions of dollars, this is why most entrepreneur's get rich after sticking with the one company for OVER 10 years, it's why the richest billions are often those who had a clearly focused vision rather than straying away to many random distractions that had no bearing on what they were working on accomplishing with the exception of elon musk but this man is a genius-possibly ADHD/aspergers.

4D. Dolly parton is another classic example of the exponential effect of the compounding effect, when she first started she was a reasonably good singer, but nothing so amazing that we couldn't find a replacement for her. If she had not stuck with the compounding effect for years on end then it's unlikely she would be would be worth over 500 million dollars at 74. Do you think, she had her persona, look and breasts cleavage sale-image down when she first started? Nope. Was she worth 500 million when she started? Nope. It toke a LIFETIME of the compounding effect of STICKING with her NICHE of singing and SINGING damn good country THOUSANDS of times and building a VERY rich database of singing knowledge FOR Her to compound the wealth that she attained. She isn't just a singer, she is a marketer, a business women, model, sales-person, singer, musician and philanthropist, but she only became all of these things by optimizing her behavioral responses through thousands of DISOPTIMAL responses until she won out against her other singing competition to win multiple grammies and much more. She has compounded a database of rich knowledge that goes back to 1967, where she stuck with her NICHE of music and became one of the greatest country singers in American history. This is the beauty of consistency and the compounding effect, the earlier you start your consistency and behavior output the longer across time is WILL COMPOUND, the more dividends it will pay you in the long-run. Think of a child that learns piano at 5 years old, if he played consistently for 15 years, he would be a master by the time he was 20 years of age. His master has echoed 15 years into the future and his expertise has given him an exponential result, precisely, because very few people stick with things to such a long-extent to develop their abilities and their capacities accordingly. So, if you want to be successful like a neurotypical, then we must learn from the compounding effect and mimic their abilities, so we to can echo are desires far off into the delayed-gratified future.

Here we can see the evidence of this here: In this video clip, we see her starting the act of consistency and her compounding effect in action and she hasn't stopped compound her behaviors that made her filthy rich, this is called a disgusting work ethic.

5. With consistency their IS NO COMPOUNDING EFFECT: Without consistency and your capacity to keep a set of predictable behaviors going across a time-span, no result will ever be possible, precisely because it takes hundreds to thousands of efforts and failures in a given domain of knowledge to COMPOUND that behavior to attain an exponential output. This is why neurodivergent coaching is so key, you need someone LIKE me who has spent years working with the literature, engaging with my own experiments of my own behaviors and through my own constant trials and errors, I have slowly developed a structure or modality system that works, to keep a neurodivergent person functioning to their optimal level.. I've met tons of people with ADHD, bipolar, skizophrenia, skizotypal etc who are all consistently inconsistent and haven't found the right systems to keep their irregularities of behavioral functioning in check, such that they can get along in a largely neurotypical world. Without the ability to keep consistency, you will never get ripped, you'll never get rich, you'll always be addicted to porn, video-games, alchohol and all those other nasty behaviors that even I am constantly battling precisely, because everything that we do is a process of an outcome and we must continually engage with that process to get the desired outcome, that by which we are looking to achieve.

CONCLUSION: To achieve, optimized results and all of the secrets to being who you want to become, you must have a neurodivergent coach like me, who can keep you consistent and compound your behaviors accordingly. I've spent years learning all of the behavioral patterns and all of the behavioral ideas needed to be who you want to become accordingly. Without a true neurodivergent, coach it will take you many many years of trial and error failure to learn the nuances to living a neurodivergent life in a non-neurodivergent world, is critical and will be a long miserable process. However, if you trust a person like myself, I can coach you, motivate you, work out a plan with you and optimize your life through support, literature and analysis of your life to give you access to my deep-database I have compounded for years through my own practice so, you to can be consistent and compound your own behaviors to live the life you always wanted to LIVE. Without consistency nothing is possible and through it can wemake the choices needed to be who it is we wish to become.

For 50$ a session we can meet up to 3 times per month via zoom and go over your neurodivergent problems accordingly and you will be given access to unlimited email time with me accordingly. For 75$ a session, we can meet 4 times per month, each session being 75$ and I can give you the secrets to managing your own condition so you to can be successful. IF YOU WANT A COACHING SESSION EMAIL: [email protected] OR PM Me on LINKEDIN for an inquiry.

Tima Elhajj

Elevating Personal Brands with Elegance for the UAE and KSA on LinkedIn

4 年

Fantastic article Drew Michael Gonzales such important information & awareness.


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