The consistency of change
Veronica Brits
More Than Growth > Momentum | Driving Commercial Success Where Technology, Digital, Data & Relationships Meet
One of my most favourite children bible stories must be the one of Moses. I won't unravel the full tale but I would like to invite some context and ask. Do you see the chariots chasing behind you, or do you see the red sea splitting open for you to walk through?
Change! It may offer you evidence of clear freedom as within this story. Or it might also be as daunting as if you are walking through a wall of water, even though it's split open for you.
In March 2015, I wrote an article on this forum called; Farewells but not Good bye's. It was my first brief article I wrote on LinkedIn. I had pushed into new territories of change. I transformed from a Hotel Executive to a Technology Enthusiast. Writing this today, I stand yet again at the forefront of more change in my life. I close off on an incredible four-year chapter at RSAWEB to join Meltwater's Africa Division. For a moment fear overwhelmed all my thoughts, as I had become so comfortable in my current successes. Again, new unchartered Technology. New product verticles. New business learnings. Joining a global leader who pioneers in artificial intelligence and machine learning space. A company that uses social data points to better understand business ecosystems. The foundations that will drive strategic data-driven decisions. It is sheer brilliance that supports fast-moving industries to successful business outcomes.
The odds will be favoured by a little change.
I live in a country that has become terrified at the declining value of its own currency. Processes driven by digitization has called our skill sets to change. I sat back reflecting on this. Change is beautiful when you challenge yourself in areas that scare you. Instead, you become brave and exercise elements that might not be your strong suit. However, when discipline is backed with hard work, results always follow.
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. - George Bernard Shaw
There is real action needed.
I can attest to the power of a transformed mind, with my own personal journey. I always welcome change, which follows with a real call for me to do more to adapt. Just next year I aim to complete an Honours in Management at the Graduate School of Business, with my sights set on more Technical courses to support this.
Change has evoked that captivating and groundbreaking woman I have always desired to be. I’ve become the woman in the room that is willing to have difficult conversations. I challenge myself to learn new skills with the power of online courses. I speak up about the knowledge I have gained in skilled environments and board rooms, pushing boundaries. I've been called, "Technically confident", warned that I must watch what I say. That does not stop me. I share ideas and trust my insights to be valuable, that I might contribute to the growth of my environment. I listen and take criticism constructively, even when it’s uncomfortable. I trust God in the midst all things, that I might remain humble. Even when I cannot measure it with my own understanding.
Leaps of constant change!
Change has become the affluent well of my full potential. A source so constant that it's elasticity is the only thing that allows me to believe in something as invisible as the measurement of time. Yet, so constant, so filled with opportunity to those who welcome it.