Consistency 101 - How to Finish What You Started

Consistency 101 - How to Finish What You Started

It happens all the time....

You set a goal. You make a plan. You get started. You feel proud that you started. Then something happens.....

You fall off the wagon. You beat yourself up. You wonder if it's any point in trying again.

Consistency is one of the hardest things for a busy person like you.

But it's also one of the most important things that you need to master in order to accomplish your goals.

Here's a quick lesson in Consistency 101 so you can actually finish what you start.

1. Create a SMART Goal, not a warm and fuzzy goal

The best way to build consistency is to be clear on exactly what you are doing. Instead of having a goal to "lose weight" (warm and fuzzy) you want to have a goal to lose 10 pounds in 21 days by eating ____ and not eating ____ and exercising for ___ minutes ___ times a week (SMART).

Instead of having the goal to "be more organized" (warm and fuzzy) you want to have a goal to stop working 20 minutes before you're scheduled to leave the office to 1) clear off your desk, 2) create a to-do list for the next day, and 3)return all files to the cabinet (SMART).

When your goal is clear you're able to develop actions that you can consistency maintain.

2. Be clear on your WHY

Change is hard! So it's important to understand exactly WHY you are putting all of this effort in. The more connected you are to your WHY the easier it will be for you to be consistent.

Ask will my life be different once I accomplish this goal? What impact will this change have on my family? On my career? How will I feel when I accomplish my goal? What will I miss out on if I stay right where I am?

Getting clear on your WHY serves as your motivation when things get hard. It helps to refocus you when distractions pop up. Your WHY helps you to say NO when needed.

3. Don't lie to yourself!

One of the biggest problems that we have with maintaining consistency is having unrealistic expectations of what we can do. So let's keep it real....knowing the way your life is set up, what can you reasonably accomplish without the benefit of a magic button, time machine, or clone?

Be honest....are you actually going to remember to do it? Or should you set reminders in your phone?

Be you have time in the morning to go to the gym (when you barely make it to work on time now)? Or should you plan to go in the evening?

Be 5 minutes before the start of the meeting enough time to prepare your update? Or should you jot notes for yourself throughout the week as thoughts come to you?

Setting clear and realistic expectations of how much time you need, how much energy you have, and if you'll need some assistance to get it done is key to remaining consistent.

Starting off is the easy part. Staying consistent....not so easy. But if you remember to be clear on your goal, focus on your why and have realistic expectations then success is yours!

Let me know what you think about Consistency 101 and let's finish 2019 off strong!

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Erica N. Reed, LCSW-C helps businesses create healthier workplaces where people are more focused and productive throughout the day, have better work relationships, and are more satisfied in the work that they do.

"At the end of the day it’s all about the people. When you invest in the people within your organization, you’re investing in the success and longevity of your business. "

Corey Rolling

Residential Specialist at UCAN (Chicago)

4 年

Thanks I will use this.

Great reminder, Erica Reed, LCSW-C. It's easy to forget the "why" part, which is perhaps most important!


