considering the Integrated Economic Ecosystem in its entirety

considering the Integrated Economic Ecosystem in its entirety

…and seeing the complete picture

The background image used to illustrate this article is a copy of the first photo of Earth from the moon (taken on August 23, 1966 – NASA – to which due attribution is extended).


In laying out the strategic plan (i.e., the plan based on a strategy) to transform Health Tourism (from Conventional to Contemporary) and repurpose it (from a “need” to a “want”), I "tested" myself to ensure I had the mental clarity which results from considering Health Tourism in its entirety - and seeing the big picture.

This is known as the Overview Effect (see about the Overview Effect further down).

From that perspective, national boundaries become of secondary importance, obsession with "competition" becomes laughable - and the motivation to establish Contemporary Health Tourism – and get it adopted and implemented - becomes obvious and imperative.

As for seeing the entire picture, at the very least, we can now talk about the:

?To ensure that the “entire picture” was included in the “undertaking”, I began by establishing a set of “objectives and key results” (OKRs).


?The key results are documented / listed in the article titled: Outcomes of the Health Tourism "concept & practice" Transformation - a.k.a. the Key Results of the OKRs -? .

And since Contemporary Health Tourism was designed as a modular Economic Ecosystem - because of the advantages and benefits inherent is such a “system”- one gets a practically complete picture by looking at and considering these “modules” (see: the Contemporary Health Tourism Economic Ecosystem Modules - designed to “fit in” - and be added to the “integrated whole" -? ?).

“Overview Effect” is also one of the Strategic Concepts and Practices.

Overview Effect - in contemporary usage, the term Overview Effect means: “mental clarity” (which results from considering “things” in their entirety - and seeing the big picture). The “overview effect” is a cognitive shift in awareness reported by some astronauts during spaceflight, while viewing the Earth from outer space. The term was coined by space philosopher Frank White in 1987, after interviewing astronauts and cosmonauts about their experiences of viewing the Earth from space. White described the overview effect as "a state of awe". The overview effect is not just a phenomenon experienced by astronauts. Anyone who has seen the Earth from a high altitude, such as from a mountaintop or airplane window, can experience a similar shift in perspective.

an article motivated by a Ray Dalio “principle of the day” post

…an approach used to understand reality and the cause-effect relationships underlying it

Although “Overview Effect” is an established Health Tourism Strategic Concept and Practice, I was motivated to publish this article on the subject, by one of Ray Dalio’s “principle of the day” posts titled: “look at the machine from the higher level” (see: ).

In that “post” Ray reminds us that “looking down from a higher level” is an approach used to understand reality and the cause-effect relationships underlying it.

This approach is also used to “objectively” consider ourselves and those around us.

In other words, a bird's-eye view.

bird’s-eye view - a bird's-eye view is an elevated view of an object from above, with a perspective as though the observer were a bird (Wikipedia).

Then, Ray goes on to refer to “higher-level thinking”, which according to him, gives us the ability to study and influence the cause-effect relationships at play in our life and use them to get the outcomes we want.

This little “story” got me thinking, and I realized that what Ray was referring to was “mental clarity” – which, in turn was what the “overview effect” is all about.


Konstantinos Konstantinidis, M.D., Ph.D.的更多文章

