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With the dawn of scientific age, development of vast knowledge, and the enormity of technological achievements, the aims and aspirations of a progressive world, is being materialized continuously, by all means and methods. 

Now, the time is ripe to pause for a while, and through psychology, scientifically unravel, the mystery of ‘Consciousness’. In daily human experience, we encounter this reality, for which, psychology has no valid explanation.     

We can say that ‘Naturalism’ is dogmatic in its denial of the doctrine of design, and the working of the creative activity of the human genius. Because Naturalism treats everything as purposeless and deterministic. ‘Reason’, however, compels us, to contest the challenges naturalism presents.

Haven’t we oversimplified the function of five senses, as ‘Mind’ interprets what the meaning is, and conditioning it, plays a significant role in human behavior. There is a natural longing to explore the unknown and the supernatural, so we believe certain things exist, beyond the grasp of our senses. 

Then, can we ignore the autonomy of the mind to perception, the freedom of will to wisdom, and the source to cause spontaneous creative cravings. Can we deny the fact that ‘Consciousness’ holds importance in every human experience, and everywhere too, in all interstellar phenomena’s?

Is our individual consciousness conditioned to some extent by the outer ‘Cosmic consciousness’? Is this complex phenomenon an accidental grouping of molecules of matter, by chance an assemblage of inorganic elements?

Perhaps, mind is superimposed, on consciousness, the origin of the mind. Mind tends to travel into the outside world, and through the sense of perception, it contacts objects, grasps and assumes, the form of the object, thus a thought is born.

Mind is always trying to figure out, the ways to connect with, what is beyond cognizance, so it fails and feels lost. But, when the mind sees, what was not seen before, then everything opens up, it expands, becomes clear, and then all limitations dissolve.

This is possible, only when the nature of the mind is fully understood, then we realize there exists no censorship on thoughts, and that passions too have no expiry date. When thoughts and passions are put under control, then mind enters into a quantum reality of ‘Nothingness’, experiencing a feeling of ‘Fullness’.  

Human thoughts have come to disseminate the marvel and wonder of complex structures and amazing processes as important functions of ‘Spiritual Intelligence’. Philosophy and psychology, reason and reality, society and science, have attempted, in vain. Now, sooner or later, an explorer will find the path.

Mind constitutes psychical structures and processes, distinctively, diversifying, dissipating, delimiting, dividing, disturbing, dispositions arising from the conscious and the subconscious mind, the source of thoughts, which influences human behavior. Actually, man is more than his behavior and his mind. 

So, the question arises. What makes the blood to flow in the veins, what makes the heart to throb and what makes the organs to function continuously on its own till the last breath. This cannot be explained by the intelligence and the wisdom of the philosophers nor by the intuition of the mystics.

Only a scientific explanation will convince the world. Consciousness is light, life and love. That which is the true ‘Self’, is surely, the essence of our existence and experience too.

Living the life of the ‘Mind’ makes a person slavish and showoff, living life with full ‘Consciousness’, frees a person from all kinds of restraints, and this never makes him pretentious, at all.

We come to know, from inner experience, that in the freed condition of consciousness, the mind loses its worth and importance, and so, mortal human form is essentially a portion of infinite consciousness.

This supreme reality is one, it is infinite, it is absolute, and, therefore, there is in us, a natural tendency flowing towards union, unity and unification.

Of course, we are one, and the world is one too, and the old adage, the wanderer will eventually find the path of truth, as it is, and not the way, we want to see it, will surely, come true.             


Source: Creative Awareness Trust (CAT)          


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