Considered Guilty before Innocent
Pia Granjon
| Trauma & Complex Trauma therapist | Dissociation, DID | LCSW/Assistante de Service Social | Soc. Anthropol. | Clin. Hypn. | Complex Trauma Treatment Affiliates, Boston | Fr. & Engl. |
Asylum Seekers or Refugees
Already underserved in our societies and
When they seek justice, it seems that there is way too often a
'yes, BUT xyz'
in the attempt to have their civilian rights recognised.
. a scandal of daily rapes of a drugged woman ... yes, but, she could have felt something, come on ! and, as if it was not enough: a rape is only when the person knows they are committing a rape ! [defense lawyer]
. a scandal of failed child protection/kids psychologically, physically and in their intimacy daily abused ... yes but they are difficult children, nobody wanted them ! [the defense lawyer]. I even read today on this topic someone saying: but the social services are not responsible ! well, aren't they ? and I used to work as a social worker with and for children at risk. Of course I was co responsible of the wellfare of the minors I was working for.
. a scandal of being homeless for a refugee ... yes but he could at least try to work; followed by you know 'those people', they lie !
Being considered guilty before being innocent, for the simple reason of your gender or your age or your civil status is directly linked with the societal representations connected to those statuses.
We must open a discussion about this. Not ignore it.
As citizen, we are all co-responsible of the society representations we participate in creating.
We tend to forget it when we are on the easier side of the force