Considerations When Hiring Your First Sales Leader
Diverse Recruiting Experts
Empowering People To Change Their Lives... Connecting Great People To Great Opportunities
Founders of start-ups are often the only ones responsible for sales, but if a company wants to scale, it has to bring on more sales people.?In this two-part series, we’ll cover some of the common concerns that talent acquisition and hiring managers face when trying to add to their sales team.
Assuming you’ve hit the milestones defined by your CEO and Board of Directors, it’s now time to hire a VP of Sales or CRO.??
The type of sales leader you need will depend on a number of factors, but there are some common characteristics every sales leader should possess which should be evaluated throughout the interview process.?
The following questions can help you find a successful sales hire if you’re at the seed stage of your business.?
Sales AE/Manager Interview Questions??
Since this is a very personal decision for both of us, I will be very transparent with you, and I will ask that you do the same if that's okay with you.??
Describe your journey from (University, a specific job, etc.) and why you made those choices??
??How do you handle sales at X???
What has been the most challenging feedback you've received and how did it change your approach???
??What three people have had the most influence on your life? Why???
Which manager was the best you ever had? Why? Which manager was the worst and why????
Photo by René Ranisch on Unsplash
Among the following, which is the most important thing to concentrate on (only one correct answer):??
We're considering a lot of candidates for this role, why are you the best match based on the company's stage in its growth???
Share your experiences managing teams and how you built them. (Pass if he/she cannot describe how they built a team.)??
Based on what you know, how big a team do you think we need right now? (If he/she cannot answer, right or wrong, then pass).??
Right now, who do you know who would be a good fit for our sales team? (Good candidates should have a few in mind already.) Give me a little background on them, if not their name.??
What is the best way to collaborate between sales and client success/management? This will reveal how well he/she understands the customer lifecycle.??
What is your experience with sales engineers and sales support? What role are they to play at this stage when capital is finite? (This will show you if he/she can successfully run an early-stage SaaS start-up – and if he knows what it takes to scale once you do).??
At this stage, how should sales and marketing work together??
Photo by Sammy Williams on Unsplash
Potential red flags to watch out for:??
Did they ask a lot of questions??
What did they do to differentiate themselves from other candidates??
How much research did they do about your company before the interview??
?In the interview, did they offer excuses, blame others, or criticize coworkers???
Next time, we'll cover specific considerations when building your SDR team to ensure that you have the best possible combination of talent to take your business to the next level.