Considerations to achieve consistent user experiences
Recently I stumbled upon the presentation below by Katie Dill that speaks to the considerations of achieving a consistent user experience for a businesses customers. The example that Katie draws upon is the great work by Air New Zealand to embed a consistency of brand, feel and overall experience across all the customer touch points - many of which are outside of the airlines control.
A few years ago I wrote a post about the rebranding of AT&T in the 60's by legendary designer Saul Bass. Watch the original design pitch included in that post after watching Katie's presentation, and think about what has, or has not changed over the last 50 years.
Saul and Katie both recognise the consistent look and feel of the business, from the uniforms to the logos. What has changed is the complexity of the customer journey. Whereas AT&T was a vertically integrated giant that would do everything from designing, installing and billing a customers phone, very few modern businesses own (or control) all parts of a customer journey.
Think about your own business and consider whether your employee values, your brand, and your customer journey are in alignment. What are the stories that your customers, staff, and business partners would tell about your business?