Consider This A Warning
??Paul Mort??
2X UK Mastercoach of the Year, Best Selling Published Author with Harper Collins and Keynote Speaker. I work with people who want to get their sh1t together and upgrade their lives. No Fluff, No BS, no happy-clappy.
If you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks...
You might NOT know that I'm hosting a LIVE in-person event on the 14th of April
It's called 'Unstoppable Underground 2.0'
('2.0' because it's all NEW and improved, innit)
And you're invited to come along:
Even though it's still several weeks away?
Tickets are going FAST...
And they'll probably be sold out LONG before the event
(Which is in three weeks time)
So, if you are ARE interested in making an appearance...
And getting a selfie with yours truly?
I suggest you get get a move on, amigo:
Because whenever I've done events in the past?
There is ALWAYS a rush for tickets in the last few weeks
So, consider this a friendly 'warning'
Paul 'Sinister' Mort
PS - And just in case you're wondering?
I'm NOT going to suddenly 'magic' some extra seats out of my ar*e
I'll leave that style of business to the 'hustlers' over on Flakebook
Rest assured, amigo...
Once these tickets are gone?
They're gone for good