Consider This Factor Each Time the Makeup of Your Team Changes

Consider This Factor Each Time the Makeup of Your Team Changes

Every team has a totally unique dynamic, created by the blend of personalities and skills of the people it comprises.

The smallest of changes can alter this dynamic, sometimes dramatically. That includes every time one person leaves the team, or one person is added to it.

As managers, we must remain aware of these shifting dynamics and ensure that they are always trending toward teamwork and high performance.

You are likely familiar with the Form-Storm-Norm-Perform model of group development proposed by Bruce Tuckman:

Each time your team has a personnel change, even a small one, the dynamic moves back toward the "Form" and “Storm” phases.

As a manager, you can help move the team back toward “Perform” through:

  • Candid communication around the reason for the change.
  • Well-written role description and goals for a new person.
  • Clear redistribution of responsibilities when someone leaves.
  • Use of User Manuals and strengths assessments to let new people get to know each other quickly.
  • Check-ins during 1-on-1s to answer any questions about the change.

Forming, Storming, and Norming are necessary phases of team development and redevelopment. But with care and tending from the manager, you can get your team back to Performing as soon as possible!



