Why Start-Ups Should Use Public-Relations?

Why Start-Ups Should Use Public-Relations?

"We are what we repeatedly do," wrote the philosopher Aristotle about 2000 years ago, a sentence that is still true today. What companies and start-ups can learn from it? When we talk about image and positioning, the company's identity is highly important; an identity taken from the definitions of the company inward, like what product it develops, how it treats it's employees, etc. and outside- who is the target audience, how it communicates with partners, etc.

There are fields where differentiation is difficult and therefore necessary. There are those who argue that "all cyber companies do the same thing", a statement that indicates a real difficulty in positioning solutions that are not tangible, requires expertise and really sound pretty much the same. The life sciences industry, which has more than 1500 companies in Israel, is a crowded market and requires high expertise. So how do you base a company image?

First, make sure people know about it. The Israeli start-up community is consolidated, but the company's image affects wider circles such as other business partners, foreign companies, investors and the public at large. What should you tell? The things you are "repeatedly do" - that is, the business activity of the company.

What does 'business activity' mean? Technological breakthroughs, new collaborations, creating a working solution that can be seen in its impact, an interesting business model and even employee care.

The background to the founding and the company's activity are also part of its image. Your solution narrow social gaps and increase equality? Does it save lives? Is the reason you established the company connected to an exciting personal event? Did your dream came true? Let the world know about it!

PR is the best tool for bringing news directly related to the company's activities and the story behind it to the media. It is an effective tool to attract partners and investors, reach a wide range of target audiences, position the company in accordance with its communications strategy, and to expose its managers.

"We are what we repeatedly do," said Aristotle. The image and definition of a company do not need to go through a witty slogan or selling dreams. the business activity and what the company's produces is enough to establish an authentic image for achieving business goals. The second part of Aristotle's sentence, which you will probably relate to is: "therefore, excellence is not an action, but a habit"


