Consequence refers to a result that follows an action or condition initiated by some logical or natural progression. It is a conclusion followed by an effect, cause, outcome as a result of some action verbally expressed, or as a behavioral mannerism. Consequence can be something important, or a critically significant decision resulting in adverse, dire, disastrous, fatal, harmful, or a negative response.?
Social graces are the foundation of a well-structured society populated by learned citizens who practice a symbiotic behavioral balance within and between the natural (physical) environment. A paper published on LinkedIn titled, Human Behavior and Social Graces presents a number of behavioral traits that over the evolution of our species has formed the foundation of acceptable proper social/societal mannerisms. One’s personal stature in life is fundamentally grounded by a set of Values that when practiced demonstrates proper social graces within and among a mature group of people. A well-adjusted, socially advanced society will place value on such qualities as: honesty, trust, fairness, honor, integrity, ethics, morality, tolerance, compassion, empathy, responsibility, discipline, moderation, wisdom, fortitude, respect for rules and established laws, justice, truth, identifying and practicing what is right from what is wrong, and maintaining balanced judgment.
Etymology is a study of the elemental meaning of words, their origin, and historical evolution as linguistics; the spoken and written languages we as a species express as a method of communicating with one another. Earliest known use and evolutionary changes in language from developing cultures has certainly contributed to variances in the original meaning and intent of words and phrases. Our species behavioral character can be loosely defined by whether we practice the social-directed terms discussed in the essay, Human Behavior and Social Graces.
Let us assume a basic footing for these behavioral expressions among a moderately advanced, presumably mature population of people who generally follow these qualities. Individually, we should be cognizant of our actions thru an innate ability to self-actualize, recognizing our ‘self’ and ‘environment’ as two pieces of a greater whole. Our consciousness is built from a complex plexus of interwoven threads constructed of thoughts, decisions, and actions undertaken to render something of worth; to recognize what is important, meritorious, and worthy by identifying, understanding, and practicing a plethora of values that imprint a pronounced emphasis on properly accepted societal behavior throughout our brief existence in this world.
So, what are the consequences, if any, when someone deviates profoundly from the socially acceptable parameters of these traits? What happens to individuals who do not accept personal responsibility or remorse for their actions?? Is there really any consequence other than the legal system, or are we to become a civilization destined to suffer in chaos?
When an individual is dishonest, they cannot be trusted. Their word has no merit, and their actions no credible value. In the eyes of any objective observer, respect is diluted, and a status of honor tarnished. When truth, an ability to recognize established facts is diminished, when the foundation of laws and enacted policies necessary for a well-functioning society are weakened, and information disseminated from credible media sources challenged without merit or credible evidence, the seeds of autocracy will prevail. Some news media will assert, without sound reasoning or evidence, information that is deceptive, partially true, or as a reiterated proclamation of outright lies. When this flawed broadcasting medium is embraced by a critical mass of people, then a healthy functioning population will collapse, with chaos ensuing. When laws and decisions are decided in favor of the wealthy, well-healed, large corporations, and individuals who are politically connected to those folks in leadership positions that make major decisions; then fairness, integrity, and ethics are weakened with prejudice, biased judgment, and anger ensuing from the citizens who do abide by the rules. Elected officials, including members of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of government, and employees within all agencies of the government who conduct themselves through a lens of vileness or depravity contrary to their private and social duties are operating in moral turpitude, which is in conflict to the accepted and customary rules of righteous behavior. This aberrant conduct ?is in conflict with their obligations to the highest standards of ethics, honesty, and trust as responsible, disciplined professionals.
As a collective society, we seem to have lost sight of the mannerisms that reflect compassion for folks in need, empathy to place oneself in the shoes of another’s hardships, tolerance for varied opinions regardless of whether they conflict with our own personal views, the wisdom to recognize when to speak out and when to listen, actions of moderation in our day-to-day decision-making affairs, the fortitude to exercise strength when necessary, and the courage to accept change when it benefits the masses.
Since the invasion of European settlements dating back to the fifteen Century, the consequential attacks against the Native American tribes have been catastrophic. Blatant efforts were initiated by government agencies and early settlers to starve men, women, and children by killing off their primary food supply (the American bison), poisoning government subsidized food allotments, destroying fresh produce, and uprooting their crops. Entire tribes were forced to assimilate into the ‘white man’s’ culture. Native men and women’s hair was cut short to purposely disrespect and destroy their cultural traditions. Tribes were forced to practice a religion alien to their traditional beliefs, while children were enrolled in special schools with harsh discipline enforced whenever they spoke their native language. Dress apparel was designed to remove any semblance of their native legacy. Government agencies, the army, and early settlers attacked villages, raped the women, and slaughtered entire populations, including children. The brutal dislocation of tribes during the ‘Trail of Tears’ forced the displacement of approximately 60,000 people of the ‘Five Civilized Tribes’ between 1830 and 1850. Thousands more Native Americans continued to be ethnically cleansed by the United States government well into the 1950’s. These ruthless efforts ultimately culminated in a failed attempt to completely wipe the entire Native American population from the face of the Earth.
Some consequences as actions and conditions directed toward the Native American population have actually been beneficial to contemporary American society. There is a significant historical record (over 10,000 years of Native American civilizations) for their ?beliefs, traditions, and mannerisms which predate any tradition brought forth to the North American continent by the arrival of European settlers. Most native cultures recognized the penalties for not respecting the natural environment. They would often take only what was necessary to satisfy their needs. Excessive consumption was considered a waste of resources and not a practiced behavior. Many Native American Nations perform a rhythmic beat of the drum during a gathering of ‘Drum Circles.’ They believe that the beating of the drum is a uniting force, bringing together people of different tribes, as well as joining a person’s spirit to their body and mind. These events also represent ceremonies honoring the heartbeat of Mother Earth.
The pow wow (the Narrtick word for ‘medicine man,’ pau wau) is a way for nations to come together to celebrate success in hunting or battle. Following World Wars I and II, the pow wow became a way to honor Native American veterans of war. Today, intertribal pow wows are an opportunity to reconnect with family, other tribes, and the Earth. They have become a way to reclaim the pride and power of a proud people through a celebration of life. The Gathering of Nations in Albuquerque is currently the largest pow wow in North America, with over 700 tribes gathering to celebrate.
The Constitution of the United States is based on the Iroquois Constitution, also known as The Great Law of Peace. The United States Constitution actually created a Republic, not a democracy. The political system established within the original thirteen colonies was primarily influenced by the Iroquois Confederacy as were many of the democratic principles incorporated into the Constitution, which are currently practiced in the present-day United States government.
Many tribes are matriarchal, a social system in which positions of dominance and authority are primarily held by women. Female leadership roles were often shared with men, and extended to discussions on moral authority, social privilege, control of property, and leadership councils that periodically gathered to make decisions when preparing for battle.
The practice of kinship is important to Native Americans. This behavior knits the community together enabling everyone to enjoy group support. Family relationships and kinship are considered necessary for the overall health of a tribe, and to ensure structure within each member’s lives. They consider it important to have relationships with their family, people within the tribe, plants, and animals. Native tribes emphasize the importance of closeness with nature, a reverence for the Earth and all its creatures.
Elders are held in high esteem, and it is considered proper behavior to know one’s place in family, the community, and on the Earth. The practice of identifying what is right from what is wrong, and maintaining balanced judgment are characteristics inherent in most Native American cultures. When considering all the advances in science and technology, one has to also recognize the detrimental consequences our species has introduced in a quest to advance a better standard of living. Even the most primitive animal will not defecate in their home. We seem to have lost sight of this critically damaging consequence that overshadows our ignored, better senses of judgment. We are becoming a consequence to our own self-inflicting demise.