Consequence of non-compliance with w.r.t maintenance of Books of Accounts, Statutory Registers and Minutes Book
Affluence Advisory
One stop solution provider to meet clients’ needs amidst ever-changing environment
In recent times, ROC has been diligently suspecting the non-compliance and passing stringent orders against the Company and its Directors. Therefore it has become important for the Company and Directors to ensure Compliance in true spirit and letter. Thus, we have attempted to list the Compliance of the provisions of various sections of the Companies Act, 2013 concerning the Maintenance of Books of Accounts, Statutory records, and Registers and Minutes Book at the Registered office (RO) or at any place decided by the Board.
As per Companies Act 2013, every Company must maintain books of accounts, statutory Registers and Minutes book at the registered office or any office that the board of directors may decide. If the company is maintaining books at an office other than the registered office, it must intimate the same to ROC. The company may maintain the accounts in electronic form also. Below are provisions listed for each of them separately along with consequences if not followed with it.
If the managing director, the whole-time?director?in?charge?of finance, the?Chief Financial Officer?or any other person of a?company?charged by the Board with the duty of complying with the provisions of this section, contravenes such provisions, such managing director,
whole-time?director?in?charge?of finance,?Chief Financial officer?or such other person of the?company?shall be punishable?with fine which shall not be less than fifty thousand rupees but which may extend to five lakh rupees.
Case Law:
Adjudication order was passed by the Registrar of Companies, NCT of Delhi & Haryana bearing adjudication order no No. ROC/D/Adj/Order/Sec.189/Lava/2023/1076-1086 dated 7thFebruary 2023 Order for Penalty for Violation of Section 189(1) of the Act, 2013 in the matter of Lava International Limited.
Penalty imposed on company/ director(s) of Rs. 25,000/- against each Director.
Case Law:
Adjudication order was passed by the Registrar of Companies, Bangalore on 8th Feb 2022, in the matter of M/s. SDU Holdings Private Limited - Adjudication order No. ROC B/ADJ/454/ SECTION 88/co. No. 55235 /2021 whereby during the course of the inspection officer it was noticed that the register MGT-1 maintained by the company was incomplete and many columns remained unfilled ?lead to violation of provisions of section 88 of the Companies Act 2013.
Company was penalized Rs. 3,00,000 and Whole-time Director Rs. 50,000.
So, we would like to conclude that the ROC authorities are on the forefront to ensure that the Companies are following the rules and regulations w.r.t Registered office and hence we had like to take initiative to create awareness in respect of the same.
Case Law:
Adjudication order for penalty under Section 454(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with rule 3 of Companies (Adjudication of Penalties) Rules, 2014 for Violation of Section 12(1), (2) & (4) of the Companies Act, 2013 in the matter of Avenue Asia Advisors Private Limited whereby Company and each Director was penalized for Rs. 1,00,000 each.
As per SS-7 of Secretarial Standard on meetings of the Board of Directors, every company shall keep Minutes of all Board and Committee Meetings in a Minutes Book. Minutes kept in accordance with the provisions of the Act evidence the proceedings recorded therein. Minutes help in understanding the deliberations and decisions taken at the Meeting. Minutes shall be recorded in books maintained for that purpose. A distinct Minutes Book shall be maintained for Meetings of the Board and each of its Committees. A company may maintain its Minutes in physical or in electronic form.
?As per SS-17 of Secretarial Standard on General Meetings, every Company shall keep Minutes of all Meetings. Minutes kept in accordance with the provisions of the Act evidence the proceedings recorded therein. Minutes help in understanding the deliberations and decisions taken at the Meeting. Minutes shall be recorded in books maintained for that purpose. A distinct Minutes Book shall be maintained for Meetings of the Members of the company, creditors and others as may be required under the Act.
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