Consecrate Much In December
Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
A Word by Yolanda Perry
As I was preparing to do my morning time with the Lord, I heard the word, "consecrate". Its most common meaning to me is "to set apart". Immediately, I began to sense that this is what the Lord will require much of this month.
To me, it seems completely out of pocket since the Lord has already spoken that this will be the month of the #SecondWind. That many will experience accelerated grace and rapid production. It is also typically the busiest time of the year. Yet, He is calling for consecration.
What does this mean?
What will this look like?
In the midst of all that we are pressed to do, even those things God is calling us to do; He still wants us to set ourselves apart and allow Him to deal with us.
Those who have trouble being alone (always like having people in your space or someone to talk to); God is requiring you to make ample room for Him and Him alone this month.
Some will be required to shut down for days and just wait for Him. I am clear that I am one of the "some". Prepare yourself if you are one that He is requiring to do the same.
This month of consecration is crucial for many. God is going to deal with heart postures and mindsets ... especially for those who believe they are exempt.
Even as I am writing this, God is impressing upon me not to miss what He is doing by thinking the word is for me to deliver only. Nope. This is for me too. We are in this thing together.
Here is the fate of those who decide consecration is not for them...The Lord will break out against you!
Also have the priests who approach the Lord consecrate (sanctify, set apart) themselves [for My sacred purpose], or else the Lord will break forth [in judgment] against them [and destroy them].
~Exodus 19:22 (AMP)