Consciousness is a multifaceted and complex concept that can be defined in various ways depending on the context.
Consciousness is the state or quality of being aware of external objects or internal experiences, including sensations, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. Phenomenal consciousness refers to the qualitative, subjective aspect of experiences, often described as "What It Is Like" to experience something.
Access consciousness is the ability to report, reflect on, and control one's mental states.
In psychology, consciousness generally refers to being awake and aware of one's surroundings, as well as one's own thoughts and feelings. Self-awareness, on the other hand, is the ability to recognize oneself as an individual distinct from the environment and other individuals.
Neuroscientists frequently examine consciousness by investigating brain processes, neural correlates, and the states of brain activity associated with conscious experiences. Integrated Information Theory (IIT) is a theoretical framework proposing that consciousness is linked to the quantity of integrated information produced by a system.
Clinically, consciousness can be evaluated by levels of alertness and responsiveness, ranging from full alertness to various states of diminished consciousness such as sleep, coma, or vegetative states.
In certain spiritual or metaphysical traditions, consciousness is viewed as a fundamental aspect of the universe, often equated with a universal or cosmic mind or 'Cosmic Consciousness'.
Lastly, we may assume to sum up that consciousness encompasses the state of being aware of and able to think about oneself and the environment. It includes various dimensions such as sensory experiences, thoughts, emotions, self-awareness, and the neural and physiological processes that underpin these experiences.
The precise nature and origins of consciousness remain subjects of ongoing debate and research across multiple disciplines. However, defining consciousness as presence highlights its role as the fundamental, ever-present awareness that underlies and makes possible all experiences. This perspective sees consciousness not as a transient state or an emotional condition but as the essential, unchanging backdrop of all mental and emotional activities.
Atman (Consciousness) is the eternal energy that extends beyond our minds and physical bodies. It is what animates us, keeps us alive, and propels our existence. According to Vedic wisdom, consciousness never ceases; it persists beyond life and death. Recognizing this eternal nature of consciousness can provide solace and inspire us to seek wisdom beyond the limitations of our ordinary minds.
In Vedic thought, reality is fundamentally unified. Brahman, the ultimate reality, both generates and transcends the mind-matter duality. It is identical to cosmic consciousness and informs individual minds. This perspective goes beyond the reductionist view that equates consciousness solely with brain activity.
Chetan Tatva (Element of Consciousness) is described as non-physical, placid, and endowed with autonomous willpower. Chetan Tatva represents the fundamental entity of consciousness. It creates, retains, and dissolves all knowledge concepts related to self and the universe. Symbolically it goes beyond the material realm
In nutshell, the Vedic teachings, oldest in the world, invite us to explore consciousness beyond the confines of our personal minds, recognizing its timeless essence and cosmic significance.
The idea that cosmic consciousness pervades the whole cosmos, akin to how individual consciousness is housed within a human body, is a concept that touches on both metaphysical and philosophical domains. This perspective is often found in various spiritual, mystical, and philosophical traditions.
Human consciousness refers to the state of being aware of and able to think about one's own existence, thoughts, and surroundings. It encompasses self-awareness, sensory experience, thoughts, emotions, and the capacity for introspection. Consciousness is typically understood as emerging from the complex interactions within the brain and nervous system, housed within the human body.
The human body provides the necessary biological and physical structure for consciousness to manifest. Sensory organs and neural networks process external stimuli, while the brain integrates these inputs to create subjective experiences. The body enables interaction with the environment, facilitating the experiences that shape consciousness.
Cosmic consciousness is a term used to describe a higher or universal form of consciousness that transcends individual human consciousness. It implies an interconnectedness and unity of all existence, suggesting that the universe itself possesses a form of awareness or intelligence. This concept often encompasses a sense of unity with the cosmos, an understanding of the fundamental interconnectedness of all things, and sometimes an experience of the divine or ultimate reality.
In this analogy, the cosmos acts as the body for cosmic consciousness, providing the vast structure and complexity needed for this universal awareness. Just as individual consciousness arises from the complex interplay of neurons in the brain, cosmic consciousness could be thought to arise from the intricate web of interactions across the universe, from subatomic particles to galaxies.
This perspective suggests that every part of the cosmos, from the smallest particles to the largest structures, contributes to and is an expression of this universal consciousness.
Consciousness is an occurrence and not a state of mind nor an emotional state. Consciousness according to Vedic school of thought is a "Presence" emphasizing a fundamental and intrinsic aspect of being, beyond any specific mental states or emotions.
The eastern philosophical point of view holds that consciousness is the underlying awareness that is present in all experiences, irrespective of their content. It is the silent witness or the space in which all thoughts, emotions, and sensory experiences occur.
Unlike mental states or emotional states that are often conceptual and content-laden, presence is a direct, non-conceptual awareness. It is not about what is being experienced but the fact that is there an experience at all.
Presence refers to an inherent self-awareness. It’s the immediate recognition of one's own existence and being. This is not dependent on cognitive processes but is a direct and undeniable aspect of consciousness.
This aspect of presence is sometimes described as pure being or existence, which is constant and unchanging, unlike the fluctuating states of mind or emotions.
Presence is considered continuous and unbroken. While mental and emotional states are transient and can change from moment to moment, the sense of being present is always there. Presence is often described as timeless, not bound by past or future, but always existing in the now.
Presence is the direct experience of "Being Here & Now." It is not mediated by thoughts or interpretations but is a direct and immediate recognition of existence. This presence can also be experienced as a sense of unity or oneness with everything. It is a non-dual awareness where the separation between the observer and the observed dissolves.
Many Eastern philosophies, such as Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism, emphasize this aspect of consciousness as 'Presence'. For instance, in Advaita Vedanta, the self (Atman) is seen as the pure awareness that underlies all experiences.
Practices like mindfulness and meditation aim to cultivate an awareness of this presence. By focusing on the present moment and observing the flow of thoughts and emotions without attachment, practitioners seek to connect with this deeper sense of consciousness.
Viewing consciousness as presence shifts the focus from the content of experiences (thoughts, emotions) to the context or space in which these experiences occur. This understanding often underlies various spiritual practices aimed at realizing or becoming more aware of this fundamental presence. It aligns with certain philosophical views that posit consciousness as a primary, irreducible aspect of reality.
Many spiritual traditions, such as those found in Eastern philosophies (e.g., Hinduism and Buddhism), teach the interconnectedness of all things and the idea that individual consciousness is a reflection of a greater universal consciousness.
Mystical experiences, often reported across various cultures and religious traditions, frequently involve a sense of merging with the cosmos or experiencing a boundless, all-encompassing consciousness. Such experiences are sometimes described as a direct encounter with cosmic consciousness, revealing the profound unity and interconnectedness of all life.
While the concept of cosmic consciousness is largely metaphysical and spiritual, some scientists and philosophers explore related ideas through theories in physics and cosmology.
Concepts such as the interconnectedness implied by quantum entanglement or the holistic nature of the universe in systems theory resonate with the idea of a cosmic consciousness, though these scientific frameworks do not claim the existence of consciousness in the same way.
By viewing human consciousness and cosmic consciousness as analogous, one can appreciate the microcosm and macrocosm relationship: the idea that the structure and dynamics of the universe at the largest scale reflect and are mirrored in the structure and dynamics at the smallest scale.
This perspective can lead to a holistic understanding of existence, where the boundaries between the individual and the universal blur, and everything is seen as part of an interconnected, conscious whole.
However, the analogy between human consciousness within the body and cosmic consciousness pervading the cosmos invites a deep reflection on the nature of awareness, existence, and interconnectedness. It bridges individual experience with universal reality, encouraging a broader, more integrated understanding of consciousness itself.
The concept of consciousness as a user illusion posits that our conscious experience is a constructed, simplified, and functional representation created by the brain. This perspective highlights the adaptive nature of consciousness, emphasizing its role in helping us navigate the world rather than providing an accurate depiction of reality. This view challenges traditional notions of a direct, veridical experience of the world, suggesting instead that what we perceive, and experience is a useful, evolved illusion.
In Vedic philosophy, the concept of the merger of individual consciousness (Atman) with cosmic consciousness (Brahman) is indeed seen as the ultimate goal of human existence. This philosophical and spiritual journey towards unity is central to many teachings within the Vedic tradition, particularly within Advaita Vedanta, a school of Hindu philosophy.
Atman refers to the individual soul or self. It is the innermost essence of a person, the true self that is beyond the physical body and mind. Atman is considered eternal, unchanging, and beyond the material existence. It is the individual’s true identity, distinct from the ego or personality.
Brahman is the ultimate reality, the absolute, unchanging, infinite consciousness that pervades everything in the cosmos. Brahman is often described as Sat-Chit-Ananda (existence-consciousness-bliss), representing the fundamental nature of reality. Brahman is beyond human comprehension and cannot be fully described in words, but it is the source and substance of all that exists.
Advaita Vedanta, a major philosophical system within Hinduism, teaches the non-dual nature of reality. According to Advaita, there is no real distinction between Atman and Brahman; they are one and the same. The perceived separation between the individual self and the universal self is due to ignorance (Avidya) and illusion (Maya).
Maya is the cosmic illusion that causes the world to appear as a multiplicity of distinct entities. It veils the true nature of Brahman, making it seem as though there are separate individual selves. Avidya is the individual ignorance that prevents one from recognizing the true nature of the Self as Brahman. It is the root cause of all suffering and delusion.
Self-realization (Atma Jnana) is the process of recognizing one’s true nature as Atman and, ultimately, realizing the unity of Atman with Brahman. This realization involves transcending the ego and the limitations of the physical and mental identity.
The Vedic tradition prescribes various spiritual practices (sadhanas) to achieve this realization, including meditation (Dhyana), self-inquiry (Jnana Yoga), devotion (Bhakti Yoga), and selfless action (Karma Yoga).
Meditation and self-inquiry are particularly emphasized in Advaita Vedanta, focusing on the direct experience and contemplation of the Self. The Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and other Vedantic texts provide philosophical teachings and practical guidance for the seeker.
These texts often use analogies and metaphors, such as the wave and the ocean or the space within a pot and the infinite space outside, to illustrate the unity of Atman and Brahman.
The ultimate goal in Vedic philosophy is Moksha, or liberation. Moksha is the state of freedom from the cycle of birth and death (Samsara) and the realization of one’s true nature as Brahman.
It is the attainment of supreme peace, bliss, and unity with the cosmic consciousness. In this state, the individual ego dissolves, and one experiences the oneness of all existence.
In the state of unity with Brahman, the distinctions between the individual and the universal disappear. The Self realizes itself as part of the infinite and eternal consciousness.
This realization is often described as a profound and transformative experience, where the boundaries of the “Self” expand to encompass all of creation. Achieving this merger is not merely an abstract philosophical concept but has practical implications for daily living. It encourages a life of compassion, selflessness, and a deep sense of connection with all beings.
The realization of non-duality fosters an attitude of detachment from material possessions and worldly concerns, leading to inner peace and contentment.
Upon realizing the unity of Atman and Brahman, one’s perception of the world transforms. The world is seen as a manifestation of the divine, and every action becomes an expression of the cosmic consciousness.
Last but not the least, Vedic philosophy views the merger of individual consciousness with cosmic consciousness as the highest spiritual attainment. This journey involves transcending the illusions of separateness and ignorance, ultimately realizing the non-dual nature of reality and experiencing unity with the infinite Brahman. This realization brings liberation, profound peace, and a deep sense of interconnectedness with all existence.
source: Creative Awareness Trust (CAT)