The Psychedelic Christ


Today the Psychedelic Industry ("the SELL game" it is) often misrepresents psychedelics as "a Panacea" for just about everything. To be unequivocally clear, psychedelics are not a "Cure All". However, psychedelics when used sparingly as a sacred medicine can be an extremely powerful medicine and even a sacrament.

Psychedelics are NOT a Spiritual Bypass tool and to be used as a daily vitamin. However, there is growing interest within the Medical Community in utilizing psychedelics, or Psychedelic Therapy (i.e Psilocybin, MDMA, Ketamine, 5-me-DMT, Ayahuasca, Mescaline, and so many more) in the use of depression, PTSD, chronic pain management, cancer treatment, and autism to name a few. There is further speculation and conjecture within the World of Modern Medicine that psychedelics will eventually replace SSRI's (Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors).

The Psilocybe species of fungi (Magic Mushrooms or the Fungal Pharmacy) is a sacred medicine and sacrament that I have used on rare occasions. I am in NO way endorsing the Psilocybin Churches that seek to sell "levels of ministerial licensing", offerings and donations, and or as a cover to sell psychedelics. PSYCHEDELICS ARE NOT THE ANSWER, BUT MERELY A POSSIBLE STEP ON THE PATH.

I have been involved in meditation, mindfulness, and or "the consciousness movement" since I was a teen, and well before I ever became involved with psychedelics. Mindfulness, meditation and prayer can, and does, bring us to a better understanding of "The Infinite" (God - Capital "R" reality). I always prefer to go within, pray, meditate, in seeking a spiritual solution first before I ever turn to "sacred medicine" or psychedelics.

Meditation and prayer also provides us a with a greater understanding of "how WE get in our way". Our individual Consciousness and "our mind" can either imprison us and or liberate us.

There are times when ALL of us face great trials and tribulations (ALL conceivable physical and emotional scenarios). We turn to friends, family, and prayer for help, and yet we still suffer excruciating pain and hardship in which meditation or prayer appears not to be working.

Sometimes we need help that exceeds our mortal understanding. More often than not, we fail to realize that what often blocks us is our emotions, mindset, and poor personal choices (in other words ourselves) from overcoming what troubles or pains us physically or emotionally.

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Psilocybe cubensis (Magic Mushrooms or the Fungal Pharmacy)

This is the point at which I truly believe that we become directed to sacred medicines (sacraments) such as psychedelics like Psilocybin (Psilocybe fungi species). Psychedelics have been used by humankind since our origins. Psychedelics are well-documented in providing a bridge between Conscious Mind to our Super Conscious Mind (our God self or Capital "R" Reality).

For those desiring to learn more about edible, medicinal and psychedelic fungi, please join the LinkedIn Group "Mushrooms, Fungi, Foraging, Medicinal, Mycology & More".

I have extremely limited experience with Peyote (mescaline), out great respect for my Native American ancestry, and only have participated in what is factually called the "Fireplace Ceremony".

Out of respect for Indigenous People, and to prevent what is known as "Peyote Poaching", I would direct people to the San Pedro Cactus (Trichocereus pachanoi) which is readily available for purchase in most domestic nurseries. Some Native People of the Southwest United States use San Pedro cactus in religious ceremony, instead of Peyote, and therefore I would kindly request ALL people reading this article NOT to harvest San Pedro cactus from southwest deserts.

San Pedro cactus.

Those who know me are aware that I am a "story-teller", and also someone who is intensely private. I gave away one very abbreviated biography in my former LinkedIn Psychedelics Group. Times are now changing, and my mission is forwarding a message of "Consciousness", and how it works, to people.

A PERSONAL EXAMPLE: I have been experiencing some extremely difficult medical challenges. Deep meditation, several "Kundalini experiences", and a few, profound, God experiences, brought relief and some peace. Change your mind. Change your Reality.

Eyes open, and now I have experienced a paradigm shift in my consciousness, as well as having experienced healing and a change in a my physical being (call it healing). However, with eyes open and now back to my Three Dimensional Existence (small "r" reality), my fear and doubt comes rushing back in.

FACING AN INCREDIBLY SCARY MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS, I have two choices. Do I place my faith in "man with a knife" who is extremely eager to cut into me? Do I place my faith in God ("The Infinite" and Capital "R" Reality). I have great faith, and I know "My Consciousness will mirror my Capital 'R' Reality". I choose God.

MY MOST RECENT PSYCHEDELIC JOURNEY was unlike any I have ever had previously. Call it a three-hour prayer with visits from my spirit guides, the archangels, Mother Mary, the Christ Consciousness, God, and even some relatives who had previously crossed over.

This three hour prayer (my psychedelic journey), coupled with my mantra "I surrender", was profoundly humbling, cathartic, and immensely healing. My eyes open, back to earth, and I am at peace once again, feeling NO pain, and for the first time in three weeks my fear and anxiety is gone. Creator (God / Grandfather) please continue to show me mercy.

Consciousness and Mindfulness prevail. With a very little bit of assistance from psychedelics, I was able to release my fear, my out of control anxieties, and experience freedom from pain. IN OTHER WORDS, psychedelics can and do work, but OUR CONSCIOUSNESS CAN TRANSCEND OUR PERCEPTIONS OF REALITY AND FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real).

"Find your path. Stay on the path. Be the path." - Tom


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