For over a hundred years, humanity has not integrated the most revolutionary, scientific finding of Albert Einstein, that is, that Nature, the cosmos, has one simple harmonious core principle: Local Symmetry—Nature’s fundamental, all-underpinning relationship idea. This is also why Nature’s dynamic laws, the relationship rules governing the cosmos, are local. Consequently, human consciousness must adhere to this systematicity.
Einstein unveiled that the local dynamic laws of Nature, the relationship rules, are the same everywhere and all the time, thereby also demonstrating that LOCAL SYMMETRY is Nature’s core relationship rule.
?Local Symmetry means sameness and unity of two things and can be expressed via the simple binary equation 1=2, as one small region of space (#1) is like the next small region of space (#2); and one moment in time (#1) is like the next moment in time (#2), since the local dynamic laws of Nature are the same everywhere and all the time. Local Symmetry comes with properties that combine to be the phenomena of physics:
It follows from the properties of Local Symmetry:
- Self-Awareness, since the two constituting parts of Local Symmetry, as the fundamental harmonious relationship idea, are identical, the same, symmetric.
- Intelligence, as Local Symmetry uses its relationship structure and the information contained in it for self-similar self-organization—from quantum mechanics to gravity, spacetime, constant lightspeed c, energy, and mass, etc.
- Consciousness that is all-encompassing (holistic), since infinity is part of the cosmos’s core relationship idea.
- The Core of Information, as all the instructions for self-similar self-organization are contained in the eternal relationship rule. Local Symmetry is a harmonious, binary oneness, wholeness. It is, yet, not the bit, consisting of two essentially separated digits, like 1 or 0, respectively yes or no.
- The call for humanity to develop a holistic consciousness to align itself with Local Symmetry, Nature’s core idea.
- Humanity has not yet developed this holistic consciousness, leading to all kinds of distortions of reality, the symptoms of which are becoming increasingly fragmenting, toxic and hence self-destructive.
- Nature is based on holistic consciousness, which is why humanity continuously needs to strive for it, too, as best as possible. This is currently not happening on a large scale.
- Only via achieving a systematic understanding of Local Symmetry as the premise of all fields of knowledge—from physics to medicine to agriculture and economics, etc.—can a holistic deep intelligence, self-awareness, and eternal consciousness evolve in humankind and AI.
- Local Symmetry is Nature’s language. We need to speak it fluently to constructively communicate with the cosmos, ourselves, and each other.
Einstein’s true legacy is his ground-breaking discovery that simple, beautiful, and purely mathematical LOCAL SYMMETRY is Nature’s (the cosmos’s) primary feature underpinning everything – from quantum mechanics to gravity to spacetime, etc. Understanding central properties of Local Symmetry can also help us to see why and how Local Symmetry represents NOTHINGNESS that can become SOMEHTING: like vibrating strings and in the end our COSMOS. This highlights why understanding Nature’s core principle of Local Symmetry, the best idea ever, is so important for both the evolution of AI and each human being – and hence humanity as a whole – with respect to building a positive future for all: People, AI, and Nature/Planet.