Consciousness and Powerful Enough to Vote

Consciousness and Powerful Enough to Vote

What do any of us know?

What do you think is true and what do you believe in?

How many of your beliefs are true to you or what you have been told to believe in?

What do you know from within and how is that different that what you have knowledge of? 

Do you value life or just some life? 

When are we being led by our fears, frustrations and numbness of what life seems to be filled with?

We each are filled with presumed truths, conditional truths, quasi truths, truths we were told were true and maybe are and maybe aren't. We are filled with truths that seemed like truth at one time and now we realize never were truths.Or what was true once is now no longer. 

It is the now to recognize them and clear them out. 

We are not always set up within to notice the differences in what we feel as truth and reported truths. We have"dumbed" ourselves down.

We have different mechanisms at play within us that always are available to value truth subject to both our biases and our inner knowing, our intuitive bell. There is the biased voice of self and the unbiased intuitive voice we find in accessing ourselves as Consciousness. We can see, hear a supposed truth and not question it. And then we can register how our internal mechanism is hearing/reading/seeing interpreting and the resulting feeling of the statement, word or vision.  

Sometimes we will listen to that bell, our internal intuitive voice over the internal judgmental voice of self. It may not make sense but it rings true in some way. That just indicates that your references are not at that setting. So sometimes you don't listen. Depends on the emotional state you are in at the time. And I would offer that when you don't listen to the bell usually you will reflect later on wishing only if you had. 

We are not judging the biased voice of self which is unique to each of us. You might not notice them as the triggers are hidden at times. We are noticing when the biased voice is in a reactive state and not listening.  

In the current information state that we call daily life, statements are flying fast and furious. We need to be on our toes and paying attention when we are hearing, seeing and feeling things and where they come together. 

In this context I will remind you how important you are to all of us, even if you don't feel important in your world. You being you counts. And we know this as you have power. You have a vote not only in a voting booth but with your assault rifle. 

However you vote it matters. Every vote matters. So often we can feel marginalized or don't like our choices and it can feel feel powerful to use resistance or non participation as your answer in the voting booth. And that a powerful choice that affects all of us as does your vote of elimination with your rifle.  

Sometimes life doesn't present choices that are what we would like them to be. It is then up to us to participate in making it work. But not engaging leaves it up to the few who do for nature loves to fill the vacuum that is now present in your non appearance. 

Access your interior space as you listen in to what is going on around you. You can be in a mindset that is limiting in harmful ways to you and others. Notice the difference between what is said and how it truly registers to you. Feel how it supports your biases. Self has all kinds of biases at any one moment. Which ones are you supporting? Give your interior intuitive connection to Consciousness its voice and place. It is free of your biased agendas.  

If your bias supports feeling emotional, small, reactive, more important over another, at risk, check in. Something, someone may wear a face and speak of exclusion as a powerful way to act and it is. And we are very foolish in seeing enemies our of neighbors as an automatic, knee jerk reaction and resentful for being brought to that point. 

Our challenges can seem hard as the physical realms encompass both rigid and pliable dynamics. In this day and age of Photoshop, CGI and social media you can not always have a deep sense of trust. So many are pushing agendas and biases that can slip under your radar in the business or the assault we may find what we call daily life these days. 

Go inward. I use the term Heart Centered Awareness as it is free of a lot of bias for me. It is the Field of Unified Consciousness. You use your word for the quiet and sacred space in you.

Notice what is up in your face and what it would be like to step back and engage differently. 

Don't make this time about a fight or a battle. That is part of the problem now. It does not matter the party or the color or the look of another. It is our humanity and essence awareness of ourselves and each other as Consciousness that is at play. The rest of it is just distraction. 

We are noticing what we have failed to pay attention to or took for granted in our past. And now is not then when one is being present. 

Notice what is important to you. Notice the emotional energy present and go beneath that to what is truly at play for you. 

Then vote your Consciousness. 

Janet Barrett

Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment

[email protected] 


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