Consciousness is the One and Only Power

Consciousness is the One and Only Power

When it comes to Consciousness, Mindset and Creation, I have authored two books; Quantum Quest and The Quantum Code, because I realised their interconnecting link and significance from a very early age.

I am not a born writer, nor am I wanting to make writing my living however I wanted to document and articulate my findings and share my message, as the medium of writing still remains one of the best ways to do this so that you, the reader, can potentially benefit from this information and knowledge, whether in an article like this or in a book.

These are not new concepts. These are my interpretations and a synthesis of these interpretations in to a practical model and mode for life and living - a state of being, a state of awareness based on my findings, personal experiences and observations over the course of my life.

Now, with that context out of the way, I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight a few key excerpts of an article I found very intriguing, amusing and simultaneously perplexing as it raised some questions about where a lot of the focus in science and academia is, and more importantly, where it needs to be.

In a recent article, Jake Siegel from the Allen Institute posits and identifies Consciousness and its role in shaping reality.

And it is on this notion that I wish to elaborate for its interpretation makes a 'world' of difference in one's experience and reality.

You can refer to the article below...

The notion of Consciousness (observation/awareness) or 'energy' interacting with matter - is the basis, foundation and conclusion of the scientific field of Quantum Mechanics and one in which Albert Einstein, a devout Physicist warmed to, particularly in his latter years when he became acquainted with it and its European founders and colleagues.

I guess for Albert Einstein it was a case of 'like attracts like' and the expression that 'birds of a feather flock together' - which is of course one of the fundamental quantum principles also known as 'Quantum Entanglement.'

Although Einstein is famous for his equation on the theory of relativity, Quantum Mechanics introduced the notion of energy beneath the sub-atomic world and Albert Einstein was well aware of its significance, right up until his passing in 1955.

Quantum Mechanics or Quantum Physics as it is often referred to, changed the entire game for humanity and has spawned an exponential growth curve in Quantum related technologies and innovations, with many more to come.

We must understand that Quantum Mechanics is our Creator's attempt to explain to man, the link between Spirituality and Science and that point at which energy meets or interacts with matter, however a scientific mind without an infusion of Spirit to fuel this knowledge with the depth and breadth of causality, is often incapable of doing so.

This Spiritual or Quantum Science is now what I have centred by entire business and company around because I see nothing more important than an understanding of Quantum Mechanics and it's relationship to Technology, Science in the pursuit of human potential and endeavour as it relates to our individual and collective evolution.

The term 'quantum' simply means to 'quantify' and 'mechanics' refers to the machinations behind the calculations made in the process of quantification and includes things such at time, energy, space and motion and in relationship to objects and mass.

Quantum Mechanics does NOT produce the phenomena known as matter.

Instead, Quantum Mechanics is an attempt to describe phenomena through the human apparatus and our interaction in the form of an observation, measurement or calculation and is an effect or by-product of using the raw materials we subject ourselves to first in imagination and conception (energy).

The article then goes on to talk about Quantum Mechanics shaping consciousness, when in fact precisely the opposite is true.

Consciousness is what created and conceived Quantum Mechanics and anything else that can be observed or measured, for that 'matter' and not the other way around.

And herein lies the problem with Science without a basis in Spirituality.

The field of Science looks for empirical evidence and there is no doubt that it has been instrumental in the creation of most things of 'substance', but it doesn't deal in 'causality' and the cause is, has, and always will be the same, and that is...

Consciousness 'itself' is producing our reality including Quantum Mechanics or anything else we humans come up with or create - all of it!

If we don't understand this or are purposefully ignoring it (ignorance), we will be denied the most powerful privilege there is, and that is the Divine Intelligence of our Creator and lose our innate ability to become the creators of our individual and collective destiny.

To think we can outsmart the Creator is to put the horse before the cart and is precisely why the secrets to Universe will always elude those who hold science in higher regard to Spiritual Truth or non-physical phenomena.

These two branches of life Spirituality/Energy and Science/Matter, must necessarily work hand-in-hand to be able see the sheer intelligence and brilliance behind it all.

The 'Quantum Activity' being referred to in the brain is its interaction with the Quantum Field (imagination) to decode, discern and discriminate objects in time and space which is what the often referred to word 'discrete' in scientific term implies.

So yes, the brain is or can be likened and referred to as a Quantum Processor, but so too are the senses of sight, taste, touch, smell and sound, which informs our perceptions and awareness and which that brain interacts with.

To 'Quantify', means to make distinct, hence discrete is part and parcel of this act of decoding and observation or measurement and is why the energetic field of potential referred to in science as a 'wave' is 'collapsed' in to a particle when observed, because it simply refers to a 'fixed observation' in time and space.

The moment we take our observation away from that fixed observation, we immediately render another series of fixed observations all strung together in time and space forming the motion we refer to as 'Life', 'Phenomena' or a 'Motion Picture' and is precisely how films are made.

The conscious experience does not arise whenever a Quantum Superposition forms because consciousness itself is producing the Superposition to 'form' based on an expectation of it forming!

This is so simple, yet it seems stupid! Because we've all been fooled in to looking outside of ourselves for the cause when it is actually under our nose.

As Leonardo Da Vinci so eloquently stated...

"Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication"

And as many other great minds have stated...

The Truth is always hidden in...'Plain Sight'.

Consciousness also creates Light for Consciousness is Light itself, so that piece of the puzzle is now also solved and is what puts to rest all scientific notions of external phenomena producing life.

Nor do we have to couple the brain with a Quantum Computer, for the apparatus known as our consciousness is the awareness and intelligence permeating each of us which informs the brain and is what creates computers of all sorts in the first place, meaning it and we are entangled from the moment it is conceived in the very act of its conception.

We don't need to be an Einstein to figure this out and we certainly don't need to spending billions of dollars worth of investment and experimentation to discover that we are the ONE producing the results by virtue of our consciousness.

The field and study of Quantum Mechanics makes it very clear that we, humans, are the ultimate form of sophistication and technology and the creator didn't make us to look outside of ourselves for answers, because we are intelligently encoded with that innate knowledge meaning it is housed 'within'.

Now, if we can agree Consciousness to be the ONE and ONLY power, wouldn't it be wise to home in on it and exploit it to maximise our full power and potential?

If we agree with notion, wouldn't it be more than wise to study ourselves i.e. our human psyche?and it's relationship to energy, emotion which leads to the production of matter or material experience?

For in this understanding and awareness lies the key and secret to our lives for these non-physical attributes of our Soul are actually what produce our reality more so than we do with science - which deals in externalities, and not inner realities and only serves to confirm what we are able to first comprehend and conceive within.

To put it simply...

Consciousness, Spirit or Energy is Cause and Science, Material or Matter we call our 3D reality is the effect.

Understand this and everything begins to reveal itself in marvellous ways beyond our finding out or conscious awareness in many cases.

It's time to wake up and arise!

People in the know, 'know' for this very reason, and is the only way to get ahead in this world of mind and imagination, time and space.

Visit 5DMIND.LIFE or Book a consult if you would like to learn more about unleashing the power and potential of your Consciousness and realise your highest evolutionary expression.


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