"People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it." - Simon Sinek


Beginning a leadership development process is like embarking on a journey of continuous transformation. I remember an executive early in his mentoring journey who shared his anxiety about which learning path he should follow. He said, "With so many options in the market, how do I know what will really help me become a better leader?" This question made me reflect on one of the greatest challenges current leaders face: how to choose, among so many options, what not only fills a gap but truly transforms? It's not just about selecting the right activities; it's about understanding the process as a whole. From an honest and courageous self-assessment to continuous reflection and strategic adjustments, learning must be seen as something practical and deeply integrated with constant follow-up. Today, I will delve into this issue more deeply and reveal the essential elements for choosing learning activities that truly enhance executive leadership.


1.????? The Starting Point: Self-Knowledge and Needs Assessment


"True leadership begins from within." - John C. Maxwell


Before choosing any learning activity, the first and most crucial step is self-awareness. It’s not just about knowing where you are, but deeply understanding why you are the leader you are today. Self-awareness is not an isolated step; it is the driving force that directs all strategic development choices. Without this clarity, any growth tool becomes a shot in the dark.

When embarking on this journey, the leader needs to do more than reflect on their current competencies. It’s crucial to go beyond the surface, exploring the roots of behaviors, beliefs, and decision-making patterns. Tools like coaching or personalized mentoring act as a critical mirror, bringing to light insights that often remain invisible in a superficial evaluation. This process is not easy, as it requires vulnerability and a willingness to confront uncomfortable areas, but it’s in this confrontation that true growth begins.

To maximize this phase of self-discovery, I recommend using behavioral assessments and feedback tools such as DISC, MBTI, or 360-degree evaluations. These tools provide a detailed map of how the leader is perceived, where their gaps are, and which areas have the greatest development potential. But it’s not just about collecting data; it’s about interpreting these results in light of the leader's organizational and personal reality.


Additionally, powerful questions must be part of this process:


·???????? What is the main challenge you face as a leader but avoid confronting?

·???????? What situations repeatedly push you out of your comfort zone, and what do they reveal about your areas for growth?

·???????? How do your current behaviors directly impact your team's culture and results?


Questions like these, when answered with brutal honesty, reveal not only weaknesses but also opportunities. They form the foundation of a robust development plan that goes beyond immediate needs and reaches the core of what truly drives a leader's success.


2.????? Prioritizing Impact and Relevance


"I never lose. I either win or learn." - Nelson Mandela


The market is full of options when it comes to courses, workshops, certifications, seminars, and training. The key, however, is not simply opting for those with the most prestige or recognition but selecting activities that have a real impact on your development and are closely linked to your current needs.


The great risk in choosing based on trends or generic recommendations is ending up with an extensive portfolio of superficial knowledge, without generating meaningful transformation in practice. To avoid this scenario, it’s essential to start the process with a mental cleanse, an internal review aimed at reducing the influence of limiting beliefs and automatic assumptions that could distort your choices. Becoming vulnerable at this stage is crucial, as it creates space to explore and clearly outline your own boundaries.


This process of vulnerability and self-reflection is vital to ensuring that the selected activities promote not only technical development but also behavioral growth. To be a truly effective leader, the executive needs a combination of emotional, cognitive, and social skills that result in more empathetic, adaptive, and strategic leadership. When selecting learning activities, ask yourself:


·???????? Will this learning challenge my current beliefs?

·???????? Will it expand my way of thinking and acting as a leader?


These types of questions help ensure that the process is not just an accumulation of new techniques but a true evolution in the way you lead.


3.????? Integration Between Theory and Practice


"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." - Jim Rohn


In a dynamic and constantly changing corporate environment, leadership development cannot be limited to theory alone. Practice is the field where learning truly comes to life. Therefore, the most effective learning activities are those that provide not only theoretical content but also practical application in real-life scenarios.

I always begin this part of the process by applying principles of transpersonal psychology, with labs where the leader assumes different roles and explores various perspectives, leading to a state of parallel thinking. This is essential for the executive to see themselves through new lenses, understanding not only their own actions but also the impact these actions have on the system as a whole.

This is where Systemic Psycho Constellations also come into play, allowing the leader to visualize the dynamics between their decisions and the organization. By revealing hidden patterns of behavior and systemic relationships, constellations offer deep insights into how their choices affect the group and organizational culture. This awareness process not only facilitates conflict resolution but also promotes more integrative and strategic leadership.

Moreover, interactive workshops that propose specific challenges and leadership simulations are excellent examples of activities that promote this integration. By putting into practice what has been learned in situations that simulate the corporate environment, the executive can experience the complexity of decision-making, enhancing their ability to lead with confidence and adaptability.

Practice allows the leader to observe their failures and successes in real time, adjusting their approach as necessary. This continuous feedback cycle is essential to ensure that the knowledge acquired translates into concrete actions and tangible results. True leadership is born from the union between deep learning and its daily application in the real context, where challenges are strategically and consciously faced.


4. La Importancia del Seguimiento en el Desarrollo Continuo


"Debes ser el cambio que deseas ver en el mundo." - Mahatma Gandhi


Muchos programas de desarrollo fracasan no por falta de contenido, sino por la ausencia de continuidad. El proceso de desarrollo de liderazgo no termina al final de un curso, seminario o incluso de un ciclo de mentoría o coaching; de hecho, ahí es donde realmente comienza. El verdadero crecimiento emerge de la práctica continua, del refinamiento de las nuevas habilidades adquiridas y, sobre todo, del seguimiento eficaz.

El seguimiento es un aspecto crucial, ya que garantiza que el aprendizaje no solo se refuerce, sino que también se ajuste conforme el líder evoluciona en su día a día. Imagina a un ejecutivo que participa en un curso sobre gestión de conflictos. Regresa a su entorno laboral con nuevas técnicas, aplica algunas de ellas, pero sin un seguimiento adecuado, puede fácilmente perder el enfoque o no percibir oportunidades de mejora.

Es fundamental que exista un plan de seguimiento estructurado, donde el ejecutivo tenga reuniones regulares con su mentor, coach o superior directo. Estos encuentros deben centrarse en la discusión práctica sobre la implementación de los aprendizajes, analizando los desafíos enfrentados y ajustando la ruta según sea necesario. Un seguimiento bien estructurado debe incluir:


·???????? Retroalimentación honesta y detallada: El líder necesita recibir comentarios claros y directos para entender dónde está acertando y dónde aún hay espacio para crecer.

·???????? Identificación de obstáculos: El seguimiento es el momento ideal para identificar las barreras que pueden estar perjudicando la aplicación de los nuevos comportamientos o habilidades. Esto puede incluir cuestiones internas, como inseguridad o resistencia, y también desafíos externos, como la falta de recursos o apoyo del equipo.

·???????? Ajustes de rumbo según sea necesario: Con la retroalimentación y la identificación de obstáculos, el líder debe ajustar su plan de acción. Tal vez sea necesario revisitar algunas técnicas aprendidas, reforzar el uso de otras o incluso explorar nuevos enfoques que se adapten mejor a su estilo de liderazgo o a la cultura de la empresa.


Además, el seguimiento puede incluir autoevaluaciones periódicas, revisiones de rendimiento y sesiones de coaching enfocadas en áreas específicas que surjan a lo largo del proceso. Estas prácticas aseguran que el líder esté siempre en constante evolución, adaptándose a los nuevos desafíos que surgen en el entorno corporativo.

El seguimiento continuo es una forma de garantizar que el desarrollo sea realmente transformador. Sin él, las nuevas habilidades y comportamientos pueden rápidamente diluirse en las presiones del día a día, pero con un seguimiento consistente, el ejecutivo puede consolidar sus aprendizajes y seguir creciendo como líder.


5. La Elección de la Red de Apoyo


"Si tus acciones inspiran a otros a so?ar más, aprender más, hacer más y convertirse en más, tú eres un líder." - John Quincy Adams


El desarrollo de liderazgo no es un viaje solitario. Tener una red de apoyo es crucial para sustentar el aprendizaje y la transformación. Esta red puede incluir mentores experimentados, colegas de trabajo que enfrentan desafíos similares o incluso grupos de discusión y mastermind. El verdadero valor de esta red se revela en el intercambio de experiencias y en el compartir de aprendizajes.


Cuando los líderes se reúnen, tienen la oportunidad de discutir problemas y soluciones en un entorno seguro, donde pueden abrirse sobre sus vulnerabilidades y desafíos. Este intercambio permite que el ejecutivo vea cuestiones complejas desde nuevas perspectivas, adquiriendo valiosos conocimientos y nuevas herramientas que pueden aplicarse en su práctica diaria. Por ejemplo, un líder que enfrenta dificultades para gestionar su equipo puede aprender, a través de la experiencia de otro, estrategias eficaces que no había considerado antes.

Además, la red de apoyo funciona como un poderoso mecanismo de responsabilidad. Tener un grupo de colegas que comparten sus metas de desarrollo mantiene al líder comprometido con su progreso. Este soporte mutuo es esencial en un ambiente de alta presión, donde el liderazgo ejecutivo puede ser solitario y estar lleno de decisiones difíciles. Contar con esta red ofrece no solo soporte emocional, sino también un sentido de responsabilidad que impulsa la continuidad del crecimiento.

Es importante elegir cuidadosamente la red de apoyo, asegurando que esté compuesta por individuos que no solo alienten, sino que también desafíen al líder a salir de sus zonas de confort. Una red eficaz está compuesta por:


·???????? Mentores experimentados: Profesionales que ya han recorrido el camino que el líder desea seguir y que pueden ofrecer consejos, orientación y retroalimentación valiosa sobre situaciones específicas.

·???????? Colegas de trabajo: Personas que comparten desafíos similares, lo que les permite sentirse comprendidos y apoyados, además de facilitar el intercambio de prácticas exitosas.

·???????? Grupos de discusión y mastermind: Comunidades que reúnen a líderes de diferentes áreas y sectores, enriqueciendo el intercambio de ideas y enfoques, y promoviendo un aprendizaje colaborativo.


Estas interacciones no solo amplían la perspectiva del líder, sino que también crean un ambiente de aprendizaje continuo. Al formar parte de una red activa, los líderes pueden sentirse motivados a explorar nuevos enfoques e implementar cambios de manera más eficaz. El apoyo emocional y el intercambio de ideas también ayudan a reducir el estrés y la ansiedad, que a menudo acompa?an la posición de liderazgo.

En última instancia, la elección de una red de apoyo es un componente vital en el desarrollo de liderazgo. Este grupo no solo sustenta el aprendizaje, sino que también potencia la transformación, ayudando al líder a mantenerse alineado con su proceso de crecimiento, adaptándose a los cambios y enfrentando los desafíos de manera más resiliente y confiada.


6. Flexibility: A Living Development Plan


"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker


Another critical aspect of choosing learning activities is understanding that the development plan is not static. Just as the business environment is constantly changing, a leader's development must also be adaptive and flexible. Needs may shift as new challenges arise, the organizational context changes, or the executive discovers new areas to explore. This dynamism requires a proactive and reflective approach to managing personal and professional development.

Therefore, it is essential that the leadership development plan is reviewed regularly. A plan that is not re-evaluated risks becoming obsolete, unable to meet the emerging demands of the market and business environment. Thus, periodic review allows the executive to identify and adjust their learning trajectory according to new goals, necessary competencies, and feedback received from their support network.

Moreover, a mindset of constant learning is key to sustaining continuous growth. This concept involves a genuine willingness to seek new experiences, question assumptions, and be open to constructive feedback. By adopting this mindset, the leader not only becomes more receptive to change but also encourages a culture of learning within their team and organization.

Being open to changes and revisions is crucial, especially in an increasingly volatile and complex business environment. This means that the executive must be able to recognize when an approach is no longer working and be willing to explore new strategies and tools. For example, a leader who realizes that their communication skills are not yielding the desired results should consider new learning methods, such as workshops on effective communication, individual coaching sessions, or even specific mentoring.

It is worth noting that this adaptability does not only pertain to changing direction but also to expanding the scope of development. As the executive evolves and gains experience, they may discover areas of interest that they had not previously considered. This exploration can lead to new learning opportunities that are more relevant and impactful for their current or future role.

The inclusion of behavioral tools and agile development methodologies can also enrich the process. These tools help map and monitor changes in development needs and adjust the plan dynamically. By integrating continuous feedback, self-assessments, and regular reviews, the executive remains aligned with the constantly evolving demands of the market and their organization.

In summary, the adaptability of the development plan is an essential competency in the arsenal of an effective leader. By continuously reviewing and adjusting their learning trajectory while maintaining a mindset of constant learning, the executive not only promotes their own growth but also inspires those around them to do the same. This approach not only strengthens individual skills but also contributes to reinforcing the organizational culture of learning, which is essential for sustainability and long-term success in a constantly changing business world.


7. Conclusion: Leadership as an Infinite Journey


"Vulnerability is not weakness. It is our greatest measure of courage." - Brene Brown


The development of executive leadership is a continuous journey that requires self-awareness, conscious choices, and an unwavering commitment to long-term growth. In this process, a leader's evolution is not a destination but rather a path filled with learnings, challenges, and transformations. Each phase of this journey brings with it the opportunity to discover new competencies, refine existing skills, and expand one’s worldview.

The choice of learning activities should be made strategically, with careful consideration of individual needs and the organizational context. It is crucial to ensure that each chosen action contributes to building solid, empathetic, and innovative leadership. This strategy not only optimizes the time and resources invested but also increases the likelihood of significant and lasting results.

Throughout this journey, it is vital for leaders to remain open to feedback and self-assessment, allowing for continuous reflection on their development. Questions such as, "Am I truly making progress?" and "Are these activities leading me toward my goals?" should be part of the regular self-examination process. This constant reflection not only promotes learning but also inspires leaders to adapt to changes, adjusting their paths as necessary.

To conclude, I would like to leave you with a reflection: "How have you chosen your development activities? Are they aligned with your vision of leadership and your real needs?" This question serves as an invitation to introspection and dialogue. I invite you to share your experiences in the comments so that we can continue this discussion and learn from one another. After all, leadership is a collective construction, and each of us has an essential role to play in this process.

Remember, transformative leadership begins with conscious learning choices. These choices are not merely steps in a curriculum but rather foundations that support a career and positively impact those around us. By cultivating a growth mindset, exploring new learning opportunities, and connecting with others along the way, you not only become a more effective leader but also a significant change agent in your organization and community.


"In a world where the only constant is change, leaders who commit to continuous learning not only survive but thrive. What will your next step be on the leadership journey? How about scheduling a coaching session or a workshop that challenges you to think outside the box? The choice is yours, and the potential is infinite." – Marcello de Souza


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Thank you for following another exclusive publication by Marcello de Souza on human behavior!

Hello, I am Marcello de Souza! My journey began in 1997 as a leader and manager in a large IT and Telecom company. Since then, I have been at the forefront of major network structuring and optimization projects in Brazil. Driven by restlessness and a passion for behavioral and social psychology, I dove into the fascinating universe of the human mind in 2008.

Today, I am a dedicated professional unraveling the secrets of human behavior and driving positive changes in individuals and organizations. With a Ph.D. in Social Psychology and over 27 years of experience in Cognitive Behavioral and Organizational Human Development, my career encompasses various areas:

·???????? As a Senior Master Coach & Trainer, I help my clients achieve personal and professional goals, generating extraordinary results.

·???????? As a Chief Happiness Officer (CHO), I cultivate an organizational culture of happiness and well-being, enhancing team productivity and engagement.

·???????? As an Expert in Language & Behavioral Development, I enhance communication skills and self-awareness, empowering individuals to face challenges with resilience.

·???????? As a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, I use advanced techniques to overcome obstacles and promote a balanced mind.

·???????? As a Speaker, Professor, Writer, and Researcher, I share valuable insights at events, training sessions, and publications, inspiring positive changes.

·???????? As a Consultant & Mentor, my experience in leadership and project management allows me to identify growth opportunities and propose personalized strategies.


My solid academic background includes four postgraduate degrees and a Ph.D. in Social Psychology, along with international certifications in Management, Leadership, and Cognitive Behavioral Development. I am co-author of the book "The Secret of Coaching" and the author of "The Map is Not the Territory, the Territory is You" and "The Diet Society" (the first in a trilogy on human behavior in contemporary times – 09/2023).


Allow me to be your partner on this journey of self-discovery and success. Together, we will unravel a universe of behavioral possibilities and achieve extraordinary results. I invite you to be part of my network! As a lover of behavioral psychology, social psychology, and neuroscience, I created a YouTube channel to share my passion for cognitive behavioral development.


All data and content in this article or video are exclusive, based on philosophical concepts and proven scientific studies, to ensure the best content for you.

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Presentation and adaptation: Marcello de Souza


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