The conscious mind vs the unconscious mind.

The conscious mind vs the unconscious mind.

Good morning, everyone. This is Dr. Barbara. Today, I would like to talk about the conscious mind versus the unconscious mind.

We’ve all tried to change our behavior from time to time. I know I’ve done it a million times and I’ve failed a bunch of times at it until I learned about what I’m going to teach you today, about the role of the subconscious mind and changing behavior. So let’s talk about the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

We’re not talking about the brain, so don’t get all bogged down in neuroscience at this point. There is a role that neuroscience plays in all of this, but right now, I just want to talk about the mind. We can’t see the mind. We don’t know what the mind is. We tend to think the mind is a function of the brain, but we don’t actually know.

Somebody drew this picture, and just look at the main picture. There’s a big circle up here for the head, bisected, and then a smaller circle for the body. He drew this line across the middle to distinguish from the conscious mind up here and the subconscious mind down here. So we’ve got two parts to our mind, probably more, but for this purpose we’re just going with two.

The conscious mind is the thinking mind. It’s what you use every day. It’s your intellect. It’s what you educate. This part of the mind makes choices. It can accept or reject. It can originate thought. It’s all where our five senses are connected, so it connects us to the outside world. With our hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch, it connects us to our world and other people. That’s what it does.

Now, there’s another part, that second part, the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is very different from the conscious mind. It’s the emotional mind.

Now, it cannot make choices. All it can do is accept what the conscious mind is telling it. It cannot tell a positive from a negative, so you can’t say, don’t something, because all it hears is the something, because it thinks in images. So you can’t see an image of not something… No debt. When you say no debt, the subconscious mind takes off the no and all it hears is debt because it thinks in images. We can make an image of debt, piles of bills and stuff like that, whatever debt is for you, wherever you are with that. So it cannot reject anything. Everything that the conscious mind feeds it, it takes in. It must accept it and it cannot tell the difference between a real and an imagined event. So that your dreams, while you’re having them, are just as real to your subconscious mind as if that dream were actually happening.

If you’re getting into a car accident in your dream, it’s no different to your subconscious mind that if you actually were in a car accident. It feels it.

And this is an important one because a lot of people say, “Oh, I’m just joking.” Well, your subconscious mind can’t take a joke. So when you jokingly say to yourself, “Oh, I’m an idiot” that’s my big one, “I’m an idiot” and somebody says, “Don’t say that.” And you say, “Oh, I’m just joking.” Your subconscious mind doesn’t know that. It has no sense of humor. It’s very literal. So when you know that, this is how you can work with it.

We have been taught from the time we were little… When we were little, all we had was this bottom part. When you’re first born, you don’t have this top part because a lot of your brain isn’t even developed yet. You don’t develop parts of your brain until you’re older. So when you’re a baby, you’re just taking stuff in, pure, unfiltered, unbuffered. It’s just coming in. So whatever is put into your mind at that point, it’s going straight into your subconscious. And at that point, you’re developing thought patterns or paradigms. Paradigms are nothing but a bunch of habits that we picked up over our lifetime that have gotten deeply embedded in the subconscious mind.

So when you want to change something, if you don’t take into account the thought patterns that have been developed in the subconscious mind and change those, you’re not going to be able to make a lot of progress in whatever change is going to be there because the subconscious mind is the one that really drives behavior. It’s the emotional mind. So that’s what’s picking it up. So in order to really change, what you need to do is change those old thought patterns. You hear people say, “Oh, I’ve got that old tape is running again.” Well, you need to stop that old tape. You need to substitute it with something else.

So the way to change it, if you’re on this side, it says, ignorance equals worry and doubt equals fear. If you don’t know something and you’re just worrying and doubting, and that’s what you’re putting into your subconscious mind is fear, you’re going to end up with anxiety and depression and dis-ease or disease, and you go to a state of disintegration. But when you begin to understand the role of your subconscious mind and how to use it, you can change it by getting knowledge and study and understanding, which leads to faith. And then that leads to well-being expression, acceleration and ease.

Your mind goes into a state of creation, not disintegration.

Faith and fear both demand that you believe something that you can’t see. So it’s your choice. I mean, what do you want to do? Do you want to have faith that it’s going to work out, or do you want to have fear? The choice is entirely yours. Both are going to show up whatever you do. So the way you change these thought patterns is by creating new thought patterns that you repeat over time, that are going to suppress the old pattern. What you focus on gets stronger. What you focus on gets stronger. That’s a principle of quantum physics. I mean, we know from quantum physics, that the expectations of the researchers can change the outcome of the experiment. So what you focus on gets stronger.

What do you want to focus on today? So I suggest that you create some really wonderful stories about your life that you want to have happen and focus on them every single day. Read them several times a day, day after day after day, and eventually your new thought pattern will override your old thought pattern and you’ll be creating a new paradigm. So that’s the quickest way to change is by changing that thought paradigm, because then you have the power of your subconscious mind, which is unlimited. You are an unlimited being. The only limits are those that your mind puts on you. So start creating new stories that are really, really great, and you will have the ability to change any situation in your life.

Thanks for being with me today. I just love how sharing my learned information with you. I use it in my life and I never pass on anything that I don’t do myself. So thanks for being here.

Enroll and Become ALMOST SOBER


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