Conscious Milk Alternatives
Jeremy Epstein
Professionally, I am passionate about #Marketing and #Web3. I have other passions as well and I'm not shy about sharing them on LinkedIn. ????????????????
Let’s say you are interested in a non-dairy milk alternative.
And let’s say that 3 are most commonly available are oat, soy, and almond.
Almond has 1/6th to 1/4th of the calories of the others.
However, almonds use a HUGE amount of water to grow and it just feels wasteful.
Soy seems like a middle ground…until you learn how much water and environmental degradation is often associated with soy farming.
Oat has the least impact environmentally, but high in carbs and calories.
So, how to find the balance between personal needs/desires/goals and global responsibilities?
Honestly struggling with this one.
Originally posted on my blog:
I like Trader Joe’s oat milk - more fiber, less sugar, and fewer calories than reduced fat milk
Strategic Account Specialist - Healthcare @ Spectrum Enterprise | Enterprise Technology Solutions
2 周Meh, go back to drinking milk. ??
KPI-beating Customer Support Manager | Call Center Manager | Customer Success Manager | Servant Leader | Fixing UX to deliver outstanding service
2 周I've been drinking soy for a while. Trader Joe's has one that has 2 ingredients- water, soy. that's it. no sugars, no weird gums, no polysyllabic words I can't pronounce (like polysyllabic). And it's shelf stable so I can keep unopened ones in the pantry for weeks on end.