To be Conscious of Consciousness
The title "To be Conscious of Consciousness" seems difficult. It's not only difficult but impossible, still to be achieved and there are ways. I will not discuss what are those ways or how to do it, as it's not the scope of this article.
We as a human have so many religions, philosophies, theories, sacred scripture, meditation practices and so on. But have you ever noticed when we asked to follow one, no one tells why, what is the purpose behind following. I mean no one tells us what is to be achieved and still we have to follow. Or with the great curiosity if try to find it out, we get the answer in terms of well being, getting prosperity, health or at last heaven and hell when we go further.
Everything that we get by following any religion is true, as no one has denied it ever, however there is something above it which should be our aim to achieve as a human being. Knowingly wise person will not tell us that the purpose of our religions, philosophies is to be conscious of consciousness. Why knowingly because it's difficult and the person who has really followed any one with great revere will identify it in his own way.
Even the successful divine personalities have established their schools, sects and way of living life to be followed by others and yet no one has told to be conscious of consciousness directly. And even this is acceptable.
Actually the idea can not be expressed in the words. But intention behind writing this short article is to advise you that keep following any religion or any philosophy with a great respect and simultaneously apply your power of intellect and meditate and eventually you will definitely end up with something that's worth of human life.