Cons of Cross Platform Apps
Maria Mitiasova
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Platform limitations:
Each platform has its own unique style and affords certain flexibilities missing in others. This may put you at a disadvantage because you may not be able to leverage the unique functionality and tools of the respective native platform when developing an app for multiple platforms.
User Experience:
iPhone and Android operating systems, screen layouts, functions, etc. are different so designing and developing a cross-platform app that offers a good user experience on two or more platforms will undoubtedly be challenging. The majority of successful consumer apps are built on either Native iOS or Android. Let's remember that Facebook started out with a Cross-Platform mobile app but changed directions to Native iOS and Android after realizing the User Experience was not optimal.
Integration challenges:
Integrating the app with preferences, local settings, and notification apps can be quite a task. Diverse storage options may also require engaging a third-party cloud service. Clearly, there's lots to consider when deciding whether to build native or cross-platform.