Conquering K2 - It's all about thought 
                   in the moment

Conquering K2 - It's all about thought in the moment

K2 is the second biggest mountain in the world. Only 237m smaller than Mount Everest.

So would you climb it?

Some may say yes, others say no. That's OK, that's our diverse separate realities of life.

Would I climb it? Maybe in my younger years when I felt the need to conquer the world to feel OK, I might have. Now, with 5 children who need me around, I am less inclined to risk my life for the thrill of the challenge. I still want to climb mountains, but perhaps ones that I know I can safely get down from.

So what has this got to do with the thought in the moment?

Well, this is an analogy for the challenges in our life. If we focus on how tall the mountain is, we can become overwhelmed by fear. Fear of failing or fear of breaking. And that fear translates into overwhelm and we can remain stuck. The mountain we picture in our head seems insurmountable. But what we are not realising is that this is only a picture in our head that we created through our own thoughts.

If we stand at the bottom of the mountain, prepared with all that we need to succeed, and then take 1 step, then another step and all we are looking at is where to place our next foot. What will eventually happen?

We will find ourselves at the top.

Our thoughts are focussed just on taking that next step. It is possible, it is comprehensible. We are no longer held back by fearful thinking.

The mountain didn't change. It was still as tall as it ever was. The only thing that changed was how we thought about it.

If we apply this in our life we can achieve so much more than we believe we are capable of.

So if you want to conquer the K2 in your life, don't look at the mountain, look at the next step you need to take!

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