Conquering Imposter Syndrome: A Woman's Journey to Self-Confidence.

Conquering Imposter Syndrome: A Woman's Journey to Self-Confidence.

Ladies, have you ever felt like a fraud in your role, like you're just waiting for someone to tap you on the shoulder and tell you it's all been a mistake? Welcome to the club of Imposter Syndrome. It's the sneaky little monster that sits on your shoulder and whispers, "You're not good enough," "You don't deserve this," and "Everyone's going to find out you're a phony." But here's the truth: that little monster is a liar, and it's time to show it the door.

Imposter Syndrome is the insidious feeling of inadequacy despite evident success. It’s the voice of self-doubt, often loudest when you’re on the brink of a breakthrough. Let me introduce you to my itty bitty shitty committee—a term I lovingly borrowed from my mentor Sophie Musumeci . This committee is a rowdy bunch that shows up uninvited, especially when I’m about to do something bold.

The Who and the What:

Imposter Syndrome affects high-achieving women everywhere. Whether you're a CEO, a new entrepreneur, or climbing the corporate ladder, the itty bitty shitty committee spares no one. It's that sinking feeling that makes you second-guess your decisions, downplay your achievements, and feel like you’re just winging it.

How It Shows Up:

  1. Self-Doubt: You question your abilities and worry you're not as competent as others think you are.
  2. Attributing Success to Luck: Instead of recognising your hard work, you think you just got lucky.
  3. Perfectionism: You set unrealistically high standards for yourself and beat yourself up when you don't meet them.
  4. Fear of Failure: You avoid taking risks because you're afraid of being exposed as a fraud.

Why You Need to Address It:

Ignoring Imposter Syndrome can be costly. It can lead to chronic stress, burnout, and missed opportunities. Imagine turning down a promotion because you don’t feel ready, or not speaking up in meetings because you fear saying something wrong. Over time, this can erode your self-esteem and hinder your career growth.

The Long-Term Impact:

Unchecked, Imposter Syndrome can trap you in a cycle of anxiety and self-sabotage. You deserve to own your achievements and feel confident in your abilities. Don’t let the itty bitty shitty committee run your life. Take charge and silence those voices.

A Personal Story:

I've had my fair share of run-ins with my own itty bitty shitty committee. They show up whenever I'm about to step out of my comfort zone. But here’s my strategy: I let them keep me company, acknowledging that they think they're keeping me safe. When they get too noisy, I imagine putting them in the boot of my car for the rest of the ride. Then, I check the facts. Is my overthinking based on reality, or just fear?

Recommended Reading:

For those looking to dive deeper, "The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women" by Valerie Young is a fantastic read. It explores the roots of Imposter Syndrome and offers practical advice to overcome it.

Check out TED Talks by Amy Cuddy and Susan Cain for more insights on overcoming self-doubt and embracing your inner strengths.

If you're tired of the itty bitty shitty committee running the show, coaching can help. Together, we can develop strategies to silence your inner critic and unlock your full potential.

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Are you looking for more tips to manage your itty bitty shitty committee? You are welcome to join me Friday 9am for a quick 20 minutes in my private Facebook group The Confident Women's Network on this very topic. If you can't make it, no worries, pop replay in the comments and I will get you to recording.

Monica Watt | Chief Motivation Officer | Women's Confidence Coach | HR Consultant | [email protected]

#coachmonica #askmonicawatt #incrediblebuzz #effectivecommunication #leadershipskills #personaldevelopment #womeninleadership #confidence #impostersyndrome

Monica Watt

Wonder Woman of Leadership | Empowering Ambitious Female Leaders to Amplify Influence, Impact & Income | ASX CHRO | Leadership Coach | Fractional CPO | MBA | Book a Free Strategy Call (link in About ??)

3 个月

What do you call your inner critic?


