Conquering File Matching in COBOL: A Plain English Guide!
File Matching Logic in COBOL.

Conquering File Matching in COBOL: A Plain English Guide!

Imagine you've got two piles of paperwork, and you need to figure out which forms match up. That's the essence of file matching in COBOL, but it's only done with digital data! COBOL might be a classic programming language, but it's still a workhorse for handling tasks like this in many businesses.

The Secret Sauce: Matching Rules

The first step is figuring out how you'll know if two records match. Do they need to have the same customer ID? The same transaction date? Maybe a combination of several things? These are your matching rules.

Get Your Files in Order

Most of the time, you must sort your files before matching them. It's like putting your paperwork in alphabetical order – way easier to find what you need. COBOL has tools for sorting built right in.

The Reading and Comparing Game

Here's how it works:

  1. COBOL reads a record from File A and a record from File B.
  2. It checks your matching rules. Do the important bits of the records line up?
  3. If they match, you get to do something with them – write the matching info to a new file, update a database, or whatever your task needs.
  4. If they don't match, you've got choices: Maybe you flag the unmatched records for someone to look at or try reading the next record to see if there's a match further down the file.

Real-Life Isn't Perfect

Sometimes, a customer's name might be slightly misspelt in one file, or there's an extra space in a number. This is where you need to be a bit clever! Consider some 'fuzzy' matching to catch close (but not perfect) matches, or have COBOL clean up the data before comparing.

Big Files? Think Smart

If you're dealing with massive files, how you write your COBOL code matters. You want to avoid reading entire files repeatedly – that gets slow! See if you can use 'indexed' files for faster lookups, especially if you only need to compare against certain records.

Don't Forget the Errors

Things will go wrong. Maybe someone provides a file with the wrong format, or there's weird data you didn't expect. Ensure your COBOL code has ways to catch those issues and let you know. A list of "uh-oh, something went wrong!" records is better than your program crashing halfway through.

Levelling Up

Here's where you can go beyond the basics:

  • Lots of Matching Rules: What if you need several things to match up? Get comfortable using COBOL's ways of handling multiple 'IF' conditions.
  • It's Complicated: Sometimes, a single record in File A might match up to multiple records in File B, or vice-versa. Break your logic down into smaller, easier-to-manage chunks.
  • Close Enough?: "Fuzzy" matching is its world! Explore how to compare things even if they're not an exact match.

COBOL File Matching Logic Flow.

COBOL file matching typically involves either sequential comparison or merge-based techniques. Before matching, files may need to be sorted based on a key field. The program opens the files and reads an initial record from each. It then enters a loop, comparing the key fields between the two records.

  • If the keys match, appropriate processing occurs, and the next records are read.
  • If the keys don't match, the program advances the file with the lower key value.

Once one file is fully processed, any remaining records on the other file are handled, and then the files are closed. Here is a simple flow diagram to explain the file-matching logic in COBOL.

cobol file matching logic in cobol
File Matching Logic flow diagram.

Example: Is Your COBOL Code Matching Up?

This COBOL program demonstrates a classic file-matching scenario. It reads two sorted input files – an "Employee List File" and an "Employee Detail File". The goal is to likely combine information from both files into a "Monthly Report".

000700* -----------------------------------------------------------*
001400*     Purpose: This program demonstrates the COBOL File Handling
001500*              Capabilities. This program will demonstrate the 
001600*              following file operations.  
001700*              * Read Data from the sequential file. 
001800*              * Write Data to a sequential file. 
002000*        Files: All files are of fixed length.  
002100*              Input  - Employee List File    (Sequential). 
002200*                     - Employee Detail File  (Sequential). 
002300*              Output - Monthly Report        (Sequential).
002500*        Assumption: Input files are sorted.
002600*                    Input file do not have any duplicates.  
002700* -----------------------------------------------------------*            
002800 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.                                            
002900  INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION.                                           
004200  FD EMP-LIST.
004300  01 EMP-LIST-REC.
005700  01 WS-SWITCH.
005800     05 END-OF-FILE-SWITCH      PIC X(01)  VALUE 'N'.
005900        88 END-OF-FILE                     VALUE 'Y'.
006000        88 NOT-END-OF-FILE                 VALUE 'N'.
019100     PERFORM X000-CLSE-FILE
019200     STOP RUN.
022700 D010-PROCESS-RECDS.
022900           EVALUATE TRUE
023000               WHEN EMPL-EMPNO > IN-EMPNO
023100                    PERFORM F000-READ-EMPLY-FILE
023200               WHEN EMPL-EMPNO < IN-EMPNO
023300                    PERFORM E000-READ-LIST-FILE
023400               WHEN EMPL-EMPNO = IN-EMPNO
023500                    IF EMPL-PCDE = 'P'
023600                       PERFORM G000-PRNT-REPT
023700                    END-IF
023800                    PERFORM E000-READ-LIST-FILE
023900                    PERFORM F000-READ-EMPLY-FILE
024000               WHEN OTHER
024100                    CONTINUE
024200           END-EVALUATE
024300      END-PERFORM.
024500 D099-EXIT.
024600      EXIT.

The core matching logic is in section D010-PROCESS-RECDS. It compares the employee numbers (EMPL-EMPNO and IN-EMPNO) from each file to determine actions: if the numbers match, further processing likely occurs; if they don't match, the program advances the records until a potential match is found.

Let me break down a few key points:

  • Assumptions: This code expects the input files to be sorted by employee number and assumes no duplicate employee entries. This simplifies the matching process.
  • EVALUATE Statement: The EVALUATE in the D010-PROCESS-RECDS section provides a way to test multiple conditions, making the matching logic concise.
  • END-OF-FILE: Using an END-OF-FILE-SWITCH indicates that the program is reading files sequentially until the end is reached.

Important Note: This is just a small part of a larger program. If you wish to go through the complete program, please watch the tutorial video on YouTube.

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COBOL Complete Reference Course.

We embarked on an incredible journey of learning and growth with our ‘COBOL Complete Reference Course’. This course, meticulously designed for both freshers and experienced professionals, has been nothing short of amazing!

??From the fundamentals of COBOL to the most advanced concepts, this course has it all. It’s a comprehensive guide that ensures a deep understanding of COBOL, one of the oldest and still widely used programming languages in the business world.

  • ?? What sets our course apart is the inclusion of practical sessions. These sessions allow learners to apply the theoretical knowledge gained, thereby solidifying their understanding of COBOL.
  • ?? But that’s not all! We understand the importance of being industry-ready. Hence, we’ve included a set of interview questions in our course. These questions, curated by industry experts, will help you prepare for real-world job interviews and boost your confidence.
  • ?? Join us in this exciting journey of learning COBOL. Let’s decode the complexities of business computing together!

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COBOL's Got Your Back

File matching might seem intimidating, but COBOL has the right tools for the job. With a little practice, you'll be matching data like a pro!

Tell me in the comments – what's the trickiest file-matching problem you've ever tackled?

Leonardo Prone

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