Conquering Death with Life
Len Wilkerson, DO, MBA, MPH, FAAFP
Private investor & Author Former SVP UnitedHealthCare
Commonly, in most churches, the Resurrection is only addressed during Easter weekend, despite being the cornerstone of our faith. In many ways, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is even more significant than His death. If Jesus had died but never returned from the grave, He would have been just like any other martyr. However, His Resurrection confirms that He was who He claimed to be. He conquered death just as He had promised, and because He rose from the grave, we can be assured that the gospel is accurate and that our faith in Jesus is not in vain.
Acts 1:3: “To these He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of things regarding the kingdom of God.” Jesus is our Resurrected Savior, and inclusive of His disciples, we know of approximately a dozen post-Resurrection appearances He made, one of which was to a multitude of 500 people at once. The multiplicity and variety of these appearances is why scholars who have studied the Resurrection affirm its validity. 1 Corinthians 15:1-2: “Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved.” So, what does this mean for us? Our understanding of Christ’s Resurrection is not just an intellectual exercise. Even Satan and his demons believe in His Resurrection; they were there. Because He lives, we have a life of forgiveness that is full and abundant if we receive Him as our Lord. Before His death on the cross, Jesus witnessed His disciples struggling with mistakes, ultimately leading to their desertion and denial of Him. Yet, all of their failures were overshadowed by the empty tomb of Christ. Take Thomas, for example: had he not faltered in his unbelief, we wouldn’t have his triumphant proclamation that followed the next week. Jesus transformed our failures into acts of faith and faithfulness, just as He did on the cross by turning a curse into a blessing. John 11:25-26: Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life; the one who believes in Me will live, even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.” Jesus conquered death, hell, and the grave. And He offers us His gift of eternal life with Him. Knowing that He triumphed over the grave allows us to understand that He can help us overcome our challenges. No matter what overwhelming situation we are currently experiencing, if we include Jesus in our circumstances, He will make all the difference. Whatever promises He makes, He fulfills, and we can trust in Him. Jesus is sufficient, and I hope we all come to know Him. Do you believe this? If you do, death has no power. Receiving Jesus as our Lord and Savior is the most critical decision we will ever make. The message of Jesus Christ is the message of the world’s Savior, and He is our only true hope for the future.
Private investor & Author Former SVP UnitedHealthCare
1 个月I have a friend whose dad passed away last Saturday, which prompted me to reflect on the losses that many of us have experienced. I wrote this devotional yesterday with that in mind. We all face sorrow, but perhaps the Scriptures can provide us with comfort. Check out my latest article: Conquering Death with Life