Conquer Your Fears to Excel in Life
Vinal Mahajanshet
Associate Manager - Temp Staffing at Ad Astra Consultants | Certified Modern Applied Psychologist | Public Speaker | Content Designer & Writer
"He who overcomes his fears will truly be free”, as this quote tells it all, it holds a great deal to all the managers as well as the individuals. Communication is the key to anything and everything. Hence, the one who excels in Communication, Excels in life.
A survey by NSSO found that the major fear faced by most individuals is the fear of socializing, communicating, and public speaking. Around 72% of the people have this fear. As we all know, our focus must not be on the problem but on the way to solving the problem. Hence, certain ways will help individuals to overcome these problems.
“Let your actions speak louder than your words”
Always carry out an approachable and active body language, a genuine and authentic smile, match the energy of the person opposite, and don't merely react- listen pause process, and reply.
“Come out of the complex - what will people say”
Because, people will say things anyhow and, on average, a human brain thinks 50000 thoughts in a day, so the number of times they will think about you will be negligible.
"Don't avoid people or conversations "
Always be prepared Before any presentation, you must always possess at least 5% more knowledge than the rest of the audience to gain confidence and attention and to communicate confidently and fluently.
“Communicate new Ideas”
Because effective communication is all about 7% facts, 38% voice, and 55% body language. Simple, short, and sweet phrases, trying out new things that make you come out of your comfort zone, and overcoming shyness are all about coming out of your comfort zone, also using the right words at the right time, clear-cut conclusions, and no procrastination.
“Don't forget your own voice”
In the process to please the world you needn’t lose your originality or authenticity, your realness will fetch you your people.
“Be expressive- life is too short to keep quiet”
say what you think and don't worry about what your friends and family will think, be open and firm about your opinion, but remember that in this process you must not hurt anyone’s sentiments.
“Be busy engage yourself and some work”
Because an empty mind is a devil's workshop, and in this context, the devil is nervousness, shyness, and anxiety.
“Show the world who you are”
don't be afraid to expose, or show your real self to the world, most of us most of the time do not expose the real us just due to the fear of opinion. Remember that those who judge will never understand and those who understand will never judge, people will judge anyway no matter what, so let them judge.
“The more you act like your own self, the closer you will feel to the ones you can trust”
and this will bring you a stronger and everlasting bond, with huge confidence, freedom, and enthusiasm.
Always remember
“Behavior is always greater than knowledge because in life there are many situations where knowledge fails but behavior handles everything”
“Don’t worry about getting old, worry about thinking old”
So, "Ever tried, ever failed, no matter, try again, fail again, fail better"