Conquer Your Fear of Failure with This Ancient Advice
This article is part of my Strong Tips series. Subscribe today and join 100,000+ other personal trainers who receive my weekly fitness business domination roundup, Stronger Sundays.
Danger is real, but fear is a choice. Fear is simple, irrational, and made up. And it’s crippling. What keeps you from reaching the next level in your career? It’s not because you don’t know what to do. It’s because you’re afraid of doing it.
To free yourself from fear, you must first define it. As Yoda said, "Named must your fear be before banish it you can."
What is fear? Here’s my definition:
Fear is an irrational response to the unknown. You fear because you do not understand. When you do not understand, your mind makes up scenarios leading you to believe that bad things, things that can’t possibly happen, will most definitely happen.
To banish fear, you need to make the unknown known.
What’s the worst that could happen if you make a bold, decisive move? You’ll go broke? You’ll be embarrassed? You’ll disappoint people you love and admire? Whatever it is, imagine exactly how it will feel.
Now follow this advice from Seneca, the Stoic philosopher:
"If you wish to put off all worry, assume that what you fear may happen is certainly going to happen."
Are you still alive? Can you still look your loved ones in the eye? More important, do you still have a passion for what you do, even after this spectacular failure?
If the answer to these questions is "yes," what’s there to be afraid of? And if you’re no longer afraid, what reason is there to avoid taking action?
You’re awesome, my friend, and it’s time to do something great.
Quote of the Day:
“At the end of the day, you are solely responsible for your success and your failure. And the sooner you realize that, you accept that, and integrate that into your work ethic, you will start being successful. As long as you blame others for the reason you aren't where you want to be, you will always be a failure.†—Erin Cummings
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Jonathan Goodman is the founder of the Personal Trainer Development Center, the largest independent community of fit pros in the world. He’s also the founder of the first-ever certification for online fitness trainers, the Online Trainer Academy. Originally from Toronto, Jon travels the world with his wife and young son in the winters.