Conquer Corrosion with High-Performance Fluoropolymer Pipe!
Niche Fluoropolymer Products
Niche fabricates products for heating, cooling and distribution of chemicals with no corrosion, fouling, contamination
Why Are Shell And Tube Heat Exchangers Preferred?
Operating plants that need to heat and cool various chemicals in their process operations have many types of heat exchangers from which to choose. Knowledgeable operating plants rely on their past experiences with various types of heat exchangers to determine which of those best fits their processing needs and gives them the performance to meet their objectives while offering the best maintenance alternatives................………..
Chlor-Alkali Industry and how FPP can accommodate the growth
The Chlor-Alkali industry is headed for an increase in growth rate. This industry refers to the process that is used for the electrolysis of sodium chloride. The procedure creates chlorine and sodium hydroxide, which are commodity chemicals required by the industry..................…….
Fluoropolymer Pipe
Niche Fluoropolymer Pipe offers a range of sizes of Schedule 10 pipe, Schedule 40 pipe and Schedule 80 pipe in a choice of FEP, PFA, or ultrahigh-purity PFA resins. These resins perform superbly with corrosive chemicals at temperatures ranging from -275° to 400°F..........................
How Fluoropolymer Coating Can Improve The Performance Of Your Products?
Fluoropolymer coating is a type of protective coating that is highly valued for its unique properties. Based on a synthetic polymer called polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), fluoropolymer coating has a number of benefits that make it highly sought-after in the manufacturing world. In this article, we will take a closer look...............……….
Why Regular Cleaning Is A Must For Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger Longevity
Shell and tube heat exchangers play a big part in any number of industries, including oil and gas, chemical, and power generation. To help guarantee their longevity and efficient performance, regular cleaning is a must. In the following, we will explore the reasons why regular cleaning is essential..................……...….