Conocerse es también conocer sus emociones / To know oneself is also to know one's emotions

Conocerse es también conocer sus emociones / To know oneself is also to know one's emotions

Video en espa?ol - Youtube Channel "Inspiration for Leadership"

To know oneself is also to know one's emotions

(English article related to this video for my international network)

In a world where demands and pressures are constant in business and in life, the process of self-knowledge becomes essential. Knowing oneself involves much more than recognizing one's preferences, skills, strengths, and areas for improvement; it is about delving into the vast universe of our emotions. In this context, it can be said that "knowing oneself is also knowing one's emotions". In this video we are going to review what are the fundamental aspects to take into account to get to know yourself better emotionally.

First: The Connection Between Self-Knowledge and Emotions

The first step towards self-knowledge is to understand the deep connection that exists between the individual and his emotions. Our emotions are responses to lived experiences, and knowing them allows us to decipher the reason for our reactions. For example, when feeling anxiety in social situations, it's crucial to explore the roots of this emotion. Is it a fear of someone else's judgment? Or does it come from a past experience? Identifying these connections allows us to address our feelings more clearly and effectively.

Second: The Importance of Self-Observation

Self-observation is a vital process on the path of emotional self-knowledge. It involves observing our emotions without judging them, allowing them to flow and express themselves. This approach helps us understand that all emotions, whether positive or negative, are valid and have their place. Practicing self-observation means taking time to reflect on our emotional reactions in various situations, and in particular observing our body to know what kind of emotion I am feeling and where this emotion manifests. For example, if I get angry, which part of my body tenses up more: Do I clench my fists? Do I grit my teeth? Do I start shaking? All at once? And if I am happy, I am one of those people who gesticulate a lot or on the contrary I relax and savor this joy in my inner being. The fact of observing ourselves allows us to create a space of deep introspection, connecting bodily reactions with rational processes, opening a path to acceptance to understand what each emotion wants to tell us.

Third: Know how to identify and name my emotions

Observing oneself and being able to connect physical reactions of our body with a type of pleasant or more painful emotions is important. From here it is also key to be able to identify and name our emotions. Often, we find ourselves caught in an emotional whirlwind and don't know how to label what we feel. The practice of naming our most basic emotions, such as sadness, anger, joy or fear, or more complex ones such as shame, guilt or happiness helps us clarify the nature of what we feel and in what intensity. In fact, it is not the same to be surprised, as it is to be surprised and angry at the same time. Nor is it the same to be a little angry as to be furious.? Correctly naming our emotion not only helps us understand ourselves better, but it also provides a sense of control over them. To do this, I recommend consulting synonyms of the 6 basic emotions on the internet, writing in a journal our most common emotions, talking to a trusted friend about our emotions, so we will begin to break down what affects us, which in turn empowers us to face our realities with greater clarity.

Fourth: Understand what my emotions want to tell me

Detecting what thoughts are behind my emotions is also an essential phase to understand what is happening to me, what need or interest is hidden behind what I feel and, based on this, to know how to manage these emotions and how to act, for myself and in front of others. Often, our emotional reactions arise from automatic beliefs or thoughts that may go unnoticed. By taking a moment to reflect, we can identify these thought patterns that fuel our emotions. For example, if we feel anxiety, we might find that we are thinking about a catastrophic scenario or the possibility of being judged. By recognizing these connections, we not only gain clarity, but we also empower ourselves to transform our thoughts and, therefore, our emotional responses as well as our actions, towards better efficiency, better results, favoring greater well-being both for myself and for others. An emotional journal can be a powerful tool for this purpose, as it gives us the opportunity to capture our feelings and associated thoughts, making it easier to identify emotional patterns and triggers.

Fifth: A Journey in Constant Evolution

It is essential to remember that self-knowledge is a journey, not a destination. As we grow and face new experiences, so do our emotions and our understanding of ourselves. This ongoing process involves acceptance and patience. Life experiences, relationships, and personal reflections contribute to our emotional evolution. Being willing to adapt and learn from each experience allows us to move forward in our journey of self-knowledge


In conclusion, I would say that complete self-knowledge should include knowledge of our emotions and emotional states. This means knowing how to observe oneself not only at a rational level but also at a bodily level, detecting where our emotions manifest themselves, knowing how to name them precisely both in their nature and intensity, knowing what thoughts and beliefs are hidden behind them in order to be able to manage them better and act more effectively, and finally being aware that this process is a path of transformations where this self-knowledge has to be regularly updated. This journey not only transforms our relationship with ourselves, but also enriches our interactions with others. Let's remember this phrase by Maya Angelou, American writer, poet, singer and activist: "People will forget what you said, even what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel"

Thank you very much for watching this video and see you next time.


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