Conning God, Jammie Talk, Distractions, Finding Verve
"You can con God and get away with it, Granny said, if you do so with charm and wit. If you live your life with imagination and verve, God will play along just to see what outrageously entertaining thing you'll do next."
It’s the Lords day, get up, connect with other humans being, engage, interact, love, touch, squeeze, it’s a great day to be alive. If the Lord owns today, I’m betting the Devil owns tomorrow. Use the Lords day to position yourself for your battle with Satan. Sorry, got a little “religy” there, just thinking back to the old sermons I heard as a kid in church, I listened, it was akin to above, lightness, darkness always at battle.
Another beautiful day on top of the mountain, we slept in a little this morning, we could I did wake up for the sunrise, thought about taking a picture and then thought I would just have that one in my mind. I have a lot of sunrise shots, but sometimes the mental memory is better.
Great day with friends yesterday in Littleton watching the Marcus King Band, do not sleep on this band. The leader is 23 or so, about 4 foot tall, has vocals like Joe Cocker, and plays guitar like Stevie Ray. He will soon fill stadiums, keep your eye on this band.
I think the entertainment business is starting to figure out our demographic. We like to meet for some food, head to a venue, have a drink or two, watch a band and go home. We were home by 8:00 last night, in bed by 10:00 and still got to experience an amazing show. The band started at 4:30 and was done by 7:00, perfect timing for us older music lovers.
Heading down the hill to hike, get some staple, stock, and tackle. We’ve got some chores to do; we’ll take it slow, enjoy the journey and appreciate the time we have together. My Queen is in bed listening to the Avett Brothers as one of the brothers reminds us all, “we all are breathing time machines.” It’s a beautiful little scene, my Queen in her Jammies listening to music looking out 180 miles over paradise.
I think it’s time we shared our love for Jammies. Jammies are comfortable clothes we wear after work. My Queen is a yoga pant, company logo T-shirt and I’m patchworked pants with company logo T-shirt. If you stop by any of our homes in the evening or morning, we will be sporting causal.
It’s unusual to have music playing when I’m writing, it’s usually quiet, dark, just me and the sounds of my fingers hitting the keys, but the music the folk song being played upstairs above my head is a little distracting, I think I’ll land on that, distraction.
I’m a shiny item person. I am better than I used to be, I can now focus on the task at hand, but as a young man, I loved the shiny item. The new idea, concept, the new product that would help transform our company. And I tried many of them; I was always reworking trying to find the magic system to run a successful company.
What I learned was those distractions are manageable, you don’t have to follow every shiny object, you can open your mind, research a little, but not implement. We all have tasks at hand that need attention and making sure we are laser-focused on the immediate needs of our personal life and professional life is key to success.
If you struggle to identify those items that need attention, might I recommend a business or life coach? Both are important, I was having lunch with a friend on Friday, and he was giving me an update on his experience with his life coach, it was going well, I was happy he was making gains. I’ve not had a personal coach for a few years; I think I’m in a sweet spot, life seems to be one long cresting wave, I’m just riding along, looking far ahead for when it might crash.
If you can eliminate the distractions or those things or God forbid people that are sucking the life and energy from your body, mind, and soul, life will immediately improve. Get rid of the nouns that are sucking your energy and pick up a couple of nouns that feed your energy level.
That’s your mission this week, remove one noun that is sucking energy and add one noun that gives you energy. If you do this every week, in a month, your life will be radically different, and you can take some personal responsibility for being the one person that made the change. Stop waiting for others to help you; it’s not up to them to fix you, it’s up to you so get busy, remove the distractions, remove the negative and replace with a positive verve!
"You can con God and get away with it, Granny said, if you do so with charm and wit. If you live your life with imagination and verve, God will play along just to see what outrageously entertaining thing you'll do next."
Owner at Axton Environmental
5 年Appreciate your perspectives as always. Nothing wrong with “religy” as long as it’s mixed with an equal portion of Spirit. You worship and adore in spirit and in truth; it’s evident by your honesty (humility). If we can’t be honest with people, we cannot be honest with God. How can we be dishonest with those who are seen, but honest with He who is unseen? True religion is the key to ultimate spirituality. One method of acceptable worship, according to the engineer of the universe, is taking care of widows and orphans in their distress. Dare I say in this age of tolerance of all things non-Judeo-Christian, that some religions do not hold inerrant truth as one does in particular. But most people shouted “Crucify Him!” So it’s nothing new. Thanks for spurring my mind, Anson.