Connections with Purpose and Meaning

Connections with Purpose and Meaning

Making a reality of asset-based approaches

On-line introductory and short courses from Community Circles

Connections are at the heart of our wellbeing. Covid has shown us just how vital people are to each other alongside the chance to pursue things that give us purpose and meaning. How can we support connections during the current situation and take them forward into the post pandemic world? During the pandemic many people have struggled to keep connected to friends and to important activities. At the same time Covid has challenged us to consider whether some of the existing ways of offering support remain fit for purpose

Are you supporting people who are looking for ways to keep involved with the things that matter to them, explore new opportunities and ways to connect? Are you a commissioner or development worker wanting to build such approaches?

 At Community Circles we have been evolving and developing our approaches both before and during the pandemic, into many forms of “Circles” that enable people to connect and contribute in their communities. Our work is part of a wider range of “asset-based approaches” starting to radically change both social and health care.

Our forthcoming range of courses will support you to explore using person centred approaches and tools to find out what matters to people and creative ways to enable what is practical and possible for keeping people connected and safe. 

Flexible approach

We know that it is hard for people to find time and space to undertake development activity during the Covid pandemic. We know also though that many people are keen not to let the virus stop learning and planning to improve support and lives and who want creative ideas that they can use during the pandemic and beyond. We are therefore developing a suite of courses to be used either live or via recorded sessions so you can learn when suits you - and with support materials that people can explore flexibly in whatever way works for their circumstances.

Who are the courses for?

The courses are useful for anyone supporting people in a wide range of situations and via different types of services. Some of them are general introductions to the approaches and methods, some are specific to, for example older people or people with learning disabilities or for certain types of support. You might, for example be a family member or carer or someone working in accommodation with support or offering "daytime" support. You could be working as a link worker or for a voluntary organisation helping people avoid loneliness through connecting people to others and to local activities. You might be commissioner or development worker in a council or CCG wanting to explore how person and community centred approaches could really help to “build back better” as we move on from Covid. People in these and many other roles will find these courses useful

What will you learn?

Course participants will learn how:

  1.  a range of community and person-centred approaches delivered via various types of “Community Circle” can help support people to access connections with purpose and meaning to them and grow community opportunities to grow these connections
  2. to successfully develop and start to apply a range of effective approaches which don’t require major resources but which can increase your impact in building connections and opportunities
  3. a range of effective tools and approaches can be applied in practice, adding value to what you do including via use of communications technology

What else is included?

  •  Access to a range of practical tools and templates for use along with examples and stories of successful connections
  • Guides and materials for the development of a range of types of Community Circle
  • On-line discussion and advice

The courses

  •  Connections with purpose and meaning – A half day introduction to community circles approaches
  • Inclusion for older citizens through Covid and beyond – A course with eight short sessions
  • Inclusion for citizens with learning disabilities through covid and beyond – A course with eight short sessions
  • Realising the potential of extra care housing – A course with ten short sessions
  • Inclusion for older people living in care homes – A course with eight short sessions

The courses will be running in the new year. If you want a sneak peek or a chat about how they might be useful to you please contact me on [email protected]


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